RE: Mind hack snippets...Knowing who you are...#1

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Mind hack snippets...Knowing who you are...#1

in blurtnews •  last year 

addendum :

Due to the fact I don't no operate under copyright law, nor acknowledge it's existence as being valid in it's current form, I'm honor bound to retract all my lawsuits, anchovies and angry penguins, and will, instead, be suing myself mercilessly for rank hypocrisy, and the smelling of fish....

...can't say fairer than that.

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  ·  last year  ·  

No problem ,. did look forwards to have some angry penguins for dinner ,. anchovies on the side and stuff . but no problem , no harm done ,.. ill take down the traps set up around my place then , no need to keep them up then ,.. innocent creatures might get hurt , and end up on my dinner table .

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  ·  last year  ·  

....never get between an angry penguin and anchovies !

Hirosima had nothing to do with bombs, it was a penguin arguing over a tin opener in the supermket ( last one on the shelf).

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  ·  last year  ·  

Anchovies ? ,.. in can ? ,. fermented ?
Nah , not for me .,, i like yesterdays catch on my plate today .
Like this trout i caught yesterday and just had for dinner .


Weird creatures those penguins .

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  ·  last year  ·  

....ah, so you smell of fish as well!
nice catch.

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  ·  last year  ·  

No,no,no,no,no !

Fermented anchovies provide shape shifting abilities and time travel (for the adept penguin).
Well, not so much shape shifting abilities, more shape change appearance by the onlookers of said penguins.
The time travel is a bit hit and miss to, they're still working on that...

...It all began when God messed up on planting the tree of knowledge.
It should have been put in in Wales, not in the garden of eden essentially.

It's a long story, but basically, Lilith was being very good at her job, and god knocked the celestial table by mistake, and it all went a bit tits up.

This meant that the penguins were put in the wrong place and so whales (the swimmy things, not the strange bit of land next to England) were then created to transport them from the Mediterranean, to the antarctic.

It get's a bit complicated after that...

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  ·  last year  ·  

I am not a adept penguin i guess . I need other stimulant to make my mind ride the spirit true time and space while the heart moves along like a observing passenger . Where i mostly do not shapeshift to not loose form and principle . But sometimes it is better to be a fly on the wall then a elephant in the room .

Lilith was being very good at her job, and god knocked the celestial table by mistake,

Might not have bin a mistake , mistakes don't exist universally seen , just look at all the other galaxy's like the milky-way , there are millions , so it must be LOVE , as in the creation of LIFE . Where i know the entity Lilith under many names ,.. Isthar , Isis , Demeter , Hermes , Bacchus or even Thoth in one of it's appearances . And not to forget Mother Maria , Lady Liberty and Shiva . Who all , just like the Sun , as virgins give birth to new life true the unseen mysterious powers of the Universe .

And yes , the bitch can give of some tough love at times to .
The penguin case i know about , they loudly complained about what they saw as a mistake by the divine , there wish was granted by the creation of the whales , they where moved to Antarctica , and then already set in motions made the antarctic freeze up . The Penguins , knowing they made a mistake but to stubborn to admit that fact , adapted to the climate , telling each other how nice and warm it was all day .

That was long ago and a lot has past by true the ages , the tough love given made the penguin a respectable and funny creature , especially when you pop some can's of fermented anshovies .
Some penguins even turn in to really funny comedians spreading honest truth's and philosophy's if you do so .

Good news for the penguins ,. the Antarctic might move to the equator one day in a near future .
It will be ice free again one day , so the penguins can retrieve there lost technology that has bin solid frozen for ages now . That day the squirrels fear and makes them build underground bunkers and even rocket-ships to escape the planet .

So far my contribution to this free section to comment in , i must go now , speak to a Oak tree at a moonless night . ;-)

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  ·  last year  ·