reindeer and moose piss in autumn ,.. for those beasts eat all the fun mushrooms . Other way around ,. if you eat fun mushrooms , the moose might come for your piss .
Last autumn i had moose sniffing around my home at night .
Taking a pis outside has it's risk up here at times .
I gathered about 5kg fresh fly agaric ,. about 2.5 kg dried . (only consume them dried )
A great source of food true the winter ,. at least one meal stuffed with them once a week .
Vitamin D , anti inflammation , and other healthy benefits they give . Where they also do a lot of good on the mental state of things . The psychedelic effect is no longer noticeable to me , .. or it could be i am in a constant state of tripping on them for months now , and it is normal that i have the urge to build a space ship to take of in to space right after such spicy dinner .
Where all plant based psychedelics make one loving and caring for nature and all living things ,. mushrooms want one to explore space and beyond . Almost as if the mushroom knows that soon great destruction will come to the Earth . The effect of mushrooms on me is one of clear thinking with a wide open mind , like all fog around me is gone and i can see very clear with the minds-eye .
I recommend many midwit to try some dried fly-ageric , for that could trigger them to really think .
On the other hand , a closed scared midwit might wonder of in a mental breakdown . Not able to handle the state of thinking like that .
I can tell from experience , started smoking pot at 13 years , cannabis is merely a amplifier and it doesn't make you a more intelligent person in any way . If one is woke ,. one will be on cannabis even much more woke . If one is sad one will become depressed , but if one is happy and feeling good , one will have a party . And if the boy is a bully , the bully will become a tyrant .
And yes i had my weekly spicy dinner today .
If one is so fucked up they can't speak they will just make pictures...