in music •  2 years ago 


Or more tellingly, are “his” fans?


I don’t go on about popular music much these days because it is just too lame to pay attention to. But last week I was stuck in some heavy traffic and it turned to be caused by a flock of sheeple attending a concert by some talentless little twat called Ed Sheeran.

I have previously mentioned him in posts about celebs signalling their illuminati connections by using hand signs such as the all seeing eye, and also one about celebs being trannies. Or more accurately, trannies being groomed to become celebs.


Ed is an unlikely star with his round podgy face, small feminine features, gingery nerdmop haircut, sad beady eyes, dork glasses, small shapeless body, woke tatts, and thin low testosterone facial fluff. He looks like a female to male (FTM) tranny. He also looks like sombody’s pet gimp.


Right in the middle of all the latest shitstorms to hit New Zealand he turned up here in Wellington to do not just one, but three concerts. Whoops, something has gone wrong with the circus show, quick, bring out a clown to distract the audience…

Supposedly he is massively popular, and his fake Youtube hits certainly are extraordinary. The hits and comments on Youtube videos are legendary for being fake and manipulated, but even by Youtube standards these numbers are special. On one unbelievably lame video he has 3.3 BILLION views. Yes that is 33 as in the Masonic special number. And yes that is BILLIONS as in there are only supposed to be eight billion people on earth in total. (and that figure is rumoured to be grossly inflated, but that is another rabbit hole).

So let’s run with that… If nearly half the official population on earth (keeping in mind that the vast majority of them don’t speak English and have no interest in western pop music) watched that crappy video, that would about be the magic 3.3 BILLION. Yeah right…

I must admit I only watched about one minute of the video because his singing was so appalling I immediately wanted to go back to my safe space. People were apparently paying up to NZ$195 for tickets to his concerts, but I would probably pay up to $50 not to have to listen to any more of him! Although one minute of that torture did reveal a few things.

My rapid conclusion from that ghastly 60 seconds was that he was chosen to be popular precisely because he is gimpy looking MTF with no actual talent so he is the perfect front for programming zoomers to accept and embrace their own confused genders, relationship failures, and lack of charisma or talent. He is a role model for being a complete loser.


Pop music has long been about programming the masses, from the Tavistock creations like the Beatles and the Stones to the American equivalent (Laurel Canyon) bands like the Doors and the Grateful Dead. But there was real artistry in some of that programming.


Today’s programming doesn’t even attempt to create any real music. It’s just a form of hypnotisation. Yes, the Beatles albums were all played by session musicians, but at least they were damn good session musicians. Auto tuned vocals backed by AI sounds are not in the same league. And the CIA write really gay lyrics.

To think that in the 90’s I used to think Michael Bolton sucked… but I had no idea what suck even was…

OK, I know some people will say I’m just a grumpy old wanker who doesn’t appreciate the greatness of modern music.
But I do like this album from 2012:


And this album from 2022 is pretty good too:


Yeah, I know they are both totally retro but what else is there?


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

To bad the purple guitar player is no longer around .
He would have given his honest opinion about Ed .

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Prince is another rabbit hole - said to have faked his own death and now living as a woman... (his sister)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I know , but at least he/she was a master in his art .
Where the male female stuff points at hidden knowledge about the recreation of men by Liberty after the last reset , where the dual spirit was divided in two separate identity's , male and female .
So yeah ,. a whole other deep rabbit hole indeed .

If the elevator gets you down ,... go crazy !

Posted from

I think Sam smith is the one you need to focus on, check the Grammy performance of his song unholy.

Then the friends one where they all drink each others piss

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

each others??? that is not the idea - it's called AUTO urine therapy - you drink your own piss...


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have you never been to an orgy in the west-end of London ? a sheltered life...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

No but i did do 30 days of auto urine therapy!

Indians are also into cow urine therapy but Indians are damn strange...


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

reindeer and moose piss in autumn ,.. for those beasts eat all the fun mushrooms . Other way around ,. if you eat fun mushrooms , the moose might come for your piss .

Last autumn i had moose sniffing around my home at night .
Taking a pis outside has it's risk up here at times .

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I gathered about 5kg fresh fly agaric ,. about 2.5 kg dried . (only consume them dried )
A great source of food true the winter ,. at least one meal stuffed with them once a week .
Vitamin D , anti inflammation , and other healthy benefits they give . Where they also do a lot of good on the mental state of things . The psychedelic effect is no longer noticeable to me , .. or it could be i am in a constant state of tripping on them for months now , and it is normal that i have the urge to build a space ship to take of in to space right after such spicy dinner .

Where all plant based psychedelics make one loving and caring for nature and all living things ,. mushrooms want one to explore space and beyond . Almost as if the mushroom knows that soon great destruction will come to the Earth . The effect of mushrooms on me is one of clear thinking with a wide open mind , like all fog around me is gone and i can see very clear with the minds-eye .
I recommend many midwit to try some dried fly-ageric , for that could trigger them to really think .
On the other hand , a closed scared midwit might wonder of in a mental breakdown . Not able to handle the state of thinking like that .

I can tell from experience , started smoking pot at 13 years , cannabis is merely a amplifier and it doesn't make you a more intelligent person in any way . If one is woke ,. one will be on cannabis even much more woke . If one is sad one will become depressed , but if one is happy and feeling good , one will have a party . And if the boy is a bully , the bully will become a tyrant .

And yes i had my weekly spicy dinner today .

 <br /> <hr /> <center><sub>Posted from <a href=""></a></sub></center>
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Lol wet leg are acrually kinda cool in a rly bad way I’ve seen them before. You know I loosely know Ed Sheeran’s cousin, he did a track with him, like one song years ago and he’s still remixing it to this day lol

Check him out alone star

Remember views are views tho so someoen could listen 200 times for example. But of course they are manipulated and who is number one will be pushed there.

This is it

I honestly think this is about 10 years old now, but Jethro is rly riding that Ed link. You can’t rly blame him tho I would probably whip it out every year too 😬

On another note I quite like these guys the girl is em beihold

I think there is lots of great music now just not in the charts. Chart music is a total Illuminati shit show these days imagine 70 s rock bands telling ppl they could only come to their concert if they had the government jab.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Imagine RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE (Fuck you I won't do what you tell me) saying jabbed only at concert...YEP...


Posted from

Exactly musicians used to make statements now it’s just that or droning on about sucking dick of pussy and promoting designer labels on the most part

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's funny how Morrissey of the Smiths was one of the few musician to speak out about the death jab, while sell out gimps like rage against the machine revealed their true colours

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Not my gig but better than Ed!

My gold standard for awesome:

Posted from

I know I bet Ed Sheeran cringes tbh everytime it’s bought back out cause it’s something he did like 10/15 years ago I think. He’s prob like oh god not again with another remix lol

Posted from

I think he would be better to stop recycling it round and focus on his own stuff tbh this is much better imo