I didn't know it could effect the heart ,. looked it up after a night having real pain in my heart . And i know from early experience in my life how that feels . Among asthma , lung and airway problems i was also a heart patient by birth defect . ( or by vaccinations my mother or i where given ? ) ,.. so i am glad it was the wood smoke attacking my ticker ,. for i know my body will eventually flush it all out ,. witch it did .
That is ,. if you believe so ,. as i believe in full recovery and healing .
And graphene or what ever ,. a lot of boosted athletes are dying and unknown sudden death seems now a common thing . Witch all could be fear mongering propaganda to keep the injected herd in confusion and fear . While the real killing continues on the battlefields in a endless war .
It could just be a case of he heart trying to work without oxygen. The heart is not a pump it is a vortex creator so it uses positive and negative to swirl the blood. Tom Cowan has written all about that. A lack of oxygen with CO2 or carbon monoxide instead would unbalance the electrons or something. I haven't read enough about it to work out the exact mechanism of what is going on yet.