The long cold night ,.. outside .

in bblurt •  2 years ago 

After almost getting myself killed by sleeping with a defected wood stove exhaust , like waking up in a thick smoke filled room , stinging in my eyes burning in my sinuses and lungs ,. and i know now how heart failure feels .
( smoke poisoning can cause severe heart problems , like stinging at each beat and other problems in the sequences and frequency's )

Scary shit , but i pulled true , was down a few days waiting in vain for a unexplained sudden death . And ho' fuck death was standing over me ,.. trying to detect if i still inhaled and exhaled . I guess he left after seeing no vac's or booster marks on my arms . For some days i stayed in suspended animation and basically fully focused away in deep objective pointed meditation .
Anyone claiming meditation is something done on a empty mind is a fool ,. good luck staring in to the void i would say . No , if i meditate i do it to heal , so i focus in on the problem . There is no escape , no comfy save place in the mind to sit it out and true . I do not meditate in search of comfort , i meditate to feel and live true the pain . Taking control of normally automated processes like breathing and having a heart beat as they both gave hurt like hell . By logic meditation on stopping the pain , finding comfort , would mean stopping the heart and stop the breathing ,.. like meditation to die , for there is great comfort in death .
I have to admit that i panicked about two times a bit , gasping for air , but the way i was heating my home bus probably was reason for those moments of utter despair . As my wood stove was down i was lend out a 5kw gas burner , and gas produces a lot of water when it is getting burned . And after 5 days of doing so the inside of my home was getting all wet and moldy . Very unhealthy so things needed to be done .

Very cold weather was coming and after days of getting better and feeling weak i found back the power to deal with the mess i made . I reconnected , reconstructed , my wood stove exhaust . No longer is it going down true the couch , it now goes up 45 degrees a bit and then true a horizontal 2 mtr pipe to a point where it can exit the bus true the same exit as before .


Yes that pipe on the right side comes from my 12kw wood burner , gets op to 80 or 90 degrees Celsius , radiating a lot of heat inside .
A other thing i did was finally use all the neoprene isolation someone gave to me a year ago . Used it all to isolate the front windows , front air vents and front steel floor structure . Had enough left to double isolate the couches and wall's on both sides in the living space . Placed the table on a drawer kitchen block sideways for now .


For many days now it is below zero outside ,. and i started burning wood again some days ago . A lot of wood , to get the moist out from the gas burner . This night -10 or more is predicted . Windy is telling me that this cold will last for a bit longer ,. and we even got some snow today .


Thank god it is already December ,.. March , April don't seem to be so far anymore , now is it ? And fuck it , against many odd's i almost survived 2022 . Who knows , with some dumb luck i might add another year to my list .
The goal is to one day go off-grid and become self sufficient as much as possible . Solar power would be an option , but connection the engine drive shaft to a power generator to load up battery's could be the better thing to do . Anyways , i have nothing , so ill have to scavenge for the opportunity's to do so one day . For now i did a major update to the isolation of my home bus . The outside looks freezing cold ,. and it is dark from 16:00 till at least 09:00 . Clear sky and freezing cold nights .

DSC03871 (2).JPG

While inside temperature is as good as it get's , like as long as the fire burns ,.. i can chill out and listen to some good old reggae music , yam some sound true a amp or create artworks to my liking . Where all those old style reggae songs helped set the tone for some true and healing meditation .

One may ask ,. below zero is not the mood for Jamaican old style music ,. but then i must confess ,.. it is really , really damn hot inside my home bus . Like everything above 30c i would call tropical .


Thing is , fires don't last true the night ,. so setting a alarm to keep the fire going might be wise . Learning and adapting to the cold climate of south Norway living in a old city line bus . Far away in the forest ,. almost off-grid and for sure out of the matrix . And all it really takes is a small ax to keep chopping the fire wood .
A local came on a visit this evening to inspect my works . Liked it so much he decided to stay for more then a hour .


It must be a good sign when a local feels comfortable and approves on all the things you have done . Even do it is your next door neighbor's tomcat who's was named and called Love .

I hope you all enjoyed this sharing of my struggles ,. that it might prevent others from being as stupid as me ,.. i love my ways ,.. but will never recommend them to others in any way . For others might not be that dumb stupid lucky like me .

Have a good day all , and peace to all .

Music source : youtube
Pictures source : all my own .

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am happy you give some news ...what a courage you have .
At least you dont have any debts .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Courage ? ,.. more careless and fearless ,. for my immortal spirit tells me so .
Tells me by mocking my mind over all my stupid thought's .
Where i know only the heart can bring some balance .

I lived to long ,. i passed all test's ,. so i should be moving on .
Still something must be left undone , for the heart just keeps beating on .
While the spirit still enjoy's living under the sun .

Ultimate freedom is my way ,.. non violence and peace the tools .
With my voice as me only defense ,... or attack .

I do have some debts do , but no more then what my splinterlands cards could cover .
And only to people that i in person know , and that can provide the works to pay them of .
Stateless and living the outcast life ain't easy ,. and is something i do not recommend to anyone .
Still by doing so i hope to inspire ,.. to stop voting and to stop paying tax on labor .
For total destruction seems to be the only way .

Thanks for the kind comment .

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Total destruction is on the way 100%
Very very soon
Music helps a lot 🌹

I almost gassed myself to death when living on my boat a few years ago, not from the stove but by moving the generator into the hold. Very stupid move. I didn't know it could affect your heart? is that a long term effect?
another boater showed us a trick to keep the stove burning all night too. Just before retiring while fire is good and hot ram it full of wood with very little space and close the bottom vent to only a tiny bit open. it should tick over all night for ya.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A generator produces co2 ,.. you will just fall asleep and never wake up .
A wood fire produces fine micro dust carbon ,.. gets true the lungs in the blood .
The heart has problems dealing with that ,.. as muscle tissue gets destroyed by it .
Besides that it gives inflammation in all joints . ( fly agaric helped a lot )
I didn't feel very well for a few days ,. and there are long term risks indeed .
That is ,. if you believe so ,. as i believe in full recovery and healing .

Some detail here ,.. carbon micro dust .. graphene is the same thing .
Was that not in the shots that now give people sudden heart attacks ?

Anyways , i have a sport heart by birth defect ,.. big and pounding slow .
It will take more then some dark dust to stop that thing .

And LOL , if i fill up the whole oven ,.. it will get to hot , as eventually it will burn just all .
I found a other trick ,.. a layer of wet wood on a layer dry wood ,.. last's about 5 hours .
And the cast iron oven will stay warm for a other hour when the flames died out .
And waking up with -10c or more outside and still 5c inside is not that bad .


Posted from

I do not 'believe' that burning woo damages ur heart muscles no. Sounds like green propaganda to me. We've been burning wood to keep warm since we lived in caves apparently so why would it do that now? Graphene is a manmade product so not the same as natural carbon at all and there is no proof its in the shots just lots of speculating. All will come out in the end eventually tho.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I didn't know it could effect the heart ,. looked it up after a night having real pain in my heart . And i know from early experience in my life how that feels . Among asthma , lung and airway problems i was also a heart patient by birth defect . ( or by vaccinations my mother or i where given ? ) ,.. so i am glad it was the wood smoke attacking my ticker ,. for i know my body will eventually flush it all out ,. witch it did .

That is ,. if you believe so ,. as i believe in full recovery and healing .

And graphene or what ever ,. a lot of boosted athletes are dying and unknown sudden death seems now a common thing . Witch all could be fear mongering propaganda to keep the injected herd in confusion and fear . While the real killing continues on the battlefields in a endless war .

Posted from

It could just be a case of he heart trying to work without oxygen. The heart is not a pump it is a vortex creator so it uses positive and negative to swirl the blood. Tom Cowan has written all about that. A lack of oxygen with CO2 or carbon monoxide instead would unbalance the electrons or something. I haven't read enough about it to work out the exact mechanism of what is going on yet.

Posted from

Glad to hear you are recovering. I used meditation when I had my heart attack back in 2018 to stay conscious and calm during the 30 minute drive to the hospital.

Keep up with the meditation and the body can heal itself remarkably well. 🖖

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Smoke inhalation is horrible 😩 yeah those gas burners are no good as you mentioned they release so much moisture inside. Glad you are doing better.