Hardcore Computist, later just Computist, was a magazine dedicated to the Apple II that was published between 1981 and 1993. It covered various technincal aspects of the Apple II but was primarily dedicated to defeating copy protection. Issue Number 9 from 1984 includes:
- Sensible Speller Softkey - Now you can not only copy it, but make it COPYAable as well.
- Super IOB - Break your disks quickly and easily.
- Core Section
- ProDOS To DOS: Single Drive Conversion Technique - Learn how to transfer your DOS 3.3 files to ProDOS if you have only one disk drive.
- Using ProDOS On A Franklin Ace
- Softkey For Sierra On-Line Software - Learn the secret to many of Sierra On-Line's programs.
- Softkey For The Visible Computer: 6502
- Special Features
- Readers' Softkey and Copy Exchange
- Backing-Up VISIDEX
- Deprotecting GOLD RUSH
- Short Softkey For VISITERM
- Adventure Tips
Read more: https://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2014/03/10/hardcore-computist-issue-number-9/