Commodore: The MicroComputer Magazine (March 1983)

in retrocomputing •  2 years ago 

In 1983, one of Commodore's official magazines, Commodore: The MicroComputer Magazine, was covering the new Commodore 64, the VIC-20 and the PET/CBM line of computers that were more business oriented. The March 1983 issue includes:

  • Telecomputing
    • The Information Age
    • The Videotex Revolution

  • Letters

  • Editor's Notes

  • From Where I Sit

  • Commodore News
    • Commodore Resource Encyclopedia
    • VIC 1520 Printer / Plotter
    • Computer Desks
    • VIC 20 Software from Britain
    • Gortek & the Microchips

  • Education
    • What Do People Think About Computers?
    • You and Your Computer (parts 1 & 2)
    • MUPETing the PET for Third Grade Math

  • Programming Tips
    • The VIC Magician: More on Writing Games
    • Programmer's Notebook: Mastering Random Numbers
    • A Bit of Arithmetic

  • Technical
    • Universal Data Entry
    • Cursor Input Program
    • Machine Language Disk Error Routine

  • The Arts
    • Studying Complex Musical Rhythms on the Commodore 64
    • The Computer Becomes a Synthesizer

  • User Departments
    • VIC 20
      • My Favorite VIC Cartridge
    • 64
      • High-res Screen Dump
      • 3 Programs for the Commodore 64
    • PET/CBM
      • K11 Netkit 11 Review
      • Disk Quickies
    • SuperPET
      • Terminal Program

  • New products

  • User Clubs

  • Captain Scuttlebutt's Rumors

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