Commodore Magazine (November 1988)

in retrocomputing •  2 years ago 

Commodore published their own magazines for their various computers for a long time. For a while they had multiple titles and tried to split them along the lines of business/productivity and entertainment/home use. Eventually they merged into one just called Commodore Magazine. The November 1988 issue includes:


  • Getting Down to Business - Commodore 128 owners can get down to business with a large variety of programs for word processing, publishing, finances, database management, CAD and others. Here's an overview of what's available in the 128 business and productivity world.
  • Coming Attractions - In the first of two installments, John looks into his crystal ball to predict what we can expect from major software developers like Access, Accolade, Epyx and Electronic Arts through the holidays and into 1989.

Cover Story

  • Cinemaware: In Search of Interactive Excellence - Calling their software "interactive movies," Cinemaware has shown that the Amiga and interactive games can do more than take input from a player and display the results. Their new releases break new ground in the search for the ultimate interactive experience.


  • 64 and 128 Software Reviews
    • Skyfox II
    • Might and Magic
    • 4x4 Off-Road Racing
    • Word Publisher
    • Card Sharks
  • Amiga Software Reviews
    • F/A-18 Interceptor
    • DeluxePhotoLab
    • Paladin
    • Empire


    • Letters
    • News
    • Tips & Tricks
    • Projects - Sound Digitizer II
    • Pumping GEOS - geoMerge
    • Adventure Road - How to Solve an Adventure
    • Graphics Contest Announcement
    • Inside Q-Link - Bulls & Bears
    • Programming
      • Introducing the Amiga CLI, Part 2
      • The Challenge
    • Amiga Update
      • Digging Through History
      • Optical Disks
    • 128 Mode - Box Baseball

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