Amiga World Tech Journal (December 1991)

in retrocomputing •  2 years ago 

Amiga World Tech Journal was a very technically oriented spinoff of Amiga World. Only seven issues were published in 1991 and 1992. The December 1991 issue includes:


  • 68030 to 68040 Differences - Explore Motorola's speed demon
  • Clean Up Your Programs - Debugging with Enforcer and Mungwall
  • Efficient Assembly Programming - Combine low-level banging with system calls
  • Custom Interfaces with ARexx - Add a GUI to Lharc
  • "Pure" Tricks with SAS/C - Safe resident code
  • Inside MIDI - What it means - beyond Musical Instrument Digital Interface
  • Designing a Device Driver - Don't embed commands, collect them in a driver
  • Spawning Tasks - Create synchronous and asynchronous processes in C


  • Amiga UI Style Guide - The definitive word on look and feel


  • Message Port - Who are you?
  • Digging Deep in the OS - An introduction to tags
  • Graphics Handler - 2.0 changes to graphics.library

On Disk

  • Loads of Libraries
  • Custom Printer Drivers

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