From Waste to Best

in recycled •  last year 

Last week was my kids school evaluation. One of their projects was to submit a recycled material made from plastic bottles. From waste to best was the idea that they want to use. And to encourage each pupil to practice the 4R's in solid waste management. As we all know, the 4R's means - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and recover. When I googled it, it says that "these 4R's are extremely important when it comes to sustainable living and help manifest environmentally responsible consumer behavior. They all aim to reduce the amount of waste we create, which will not only save money but conserve natural resources and energy as well". So meaning, if we have to practice these 4R's, we are not just saving money, but as well as we are saving the environment. According to Bea Johnson, "refuse what you do not need; reduce what do you need; reuse what you consume; recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and rot (compost) the rest".

Plastic bottles, empty cans, paper and many other are some of the examples of waste that we can use to recycle to make flower vases, organizers, decorations and so on. As for their projects, they're collecting empty bottles to make different colorful flowers. Since it's a trash, they washed it first, dried it under the heat of the sun before cutting it into desired flower designs.




I let them do the cutting, even our youngest son helped his Ate in removing the label from the bottle.

They used paint with different colors to make it more attractive.



I find it like a sort of bonding, at the same time they're helping each other, sharing thoughts or ideas on how to make a waste to best.

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