in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

There are some cultures in Nigeria that place more value on the boy child more than the girl child for various reasons. They believe that the male child is more important because he will continue to bear the name of the family, maintain the family's lineage and promote the legacy of the family long after the father have died.

In some cultures, it is only the male child that have the right to speak at community meetings, so for a family that does not have a male child they would not be able to contribute at meetings which means that the voice or opinion of their family will not be heard. The debate of the importance between a male or female child have been on for a long time and it still goes on till today.

Cultures, traditions and individual beliefs have made it look as if a gender is more important than the other to the extent that some men abandon their wife in the hospital the moment he get to know that she gave birth to a female child. In actual fact, if we are to look at this in a scientific way it is the man that have more say in deciding the gender of the Child. You can browse more about the XY chromosome.

There is something that people who complain about the gender of their child or who are selective about whether they want a boy or a girl need to understand is that they do not have control over creation. It is only God that gives children and we should treat every child equally irrespective of their gender. Also, such people should also bear in mind that there are families that have been looking up to God for a child for several years and would be super happy whether it is a boy or a girl.

It is so appalling the manner with which some parents treat their female child with lack of care, just because they came to the world as a female. There are families who allow only the male child to go to school while the girl child is restricted to the kitchen or hawking on the streets. They prefer to invest in the male child and allow the girl to be uneducated for reasons that are not valid thereby exposing her to early marriage and other dangers.

There are women today that are making their family proud in their respective fields, same as men and on the other hand, we have some male children that have tarnished the image of their family, same as female too. In other words, the gender of a child doesn't determine who will make you proud. Children choose their path in life and this is often influenced by the kind of training they receive from the parents. It is what they learn from the home that they reflect in the outside world.

Say not to segregation between male or female child today. Treat all gender as the same.

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