A chance encounter, gray heron in a shallow river

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Dear community, some days ago I went for a little bike ride and passed this little river. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something fly up from the bank and land in the water again a few meters away. It was a gray heron, lat. Ardea cinerea.


The heron had seen me much earlier than I saw him and first went to distance to me. He moved slowly through the water and did not take his eyes off me.


At some point he was tired of seeing me standing there and flew away.



Grey herons feed not only on fish and frogs, but also on mice, worms and insects. You can often see them hunting on cattle pastures (or at the neighbor's fish pond). Unfortunately I had only a small camera with me (one that fits in my pocket), so the photos didn't turn out so great.I hope you like the photos anyway.

All photos were taken by me with my small Canon Ixus135.
Yours , @werkseber

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