Health is the key to Happiness...... Part 5

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Many Bengalis do not eat anything except raw chillies. But is the use of raw peppers just to enhance the saltiness and aroma in cooking? Not that. This raw pepper is an excellent source of vitamins. There are also various nutritional properties. Half a cup of crushed raw chillies contains more than 600 units of vitamin A. And Vitamin A is good for eyesight, enhances immunity. The same amount of raw chili powder contains about 162 mg of vitamin C, which is equal to the daily requirement of vitamin C in an adult. This means that if you spread half a cup of green chillies in salads or other vegetables, you will not need any other vitamin-C food.However, researchers say that vitamin C in raw peppers is lost little by little due to heat, excess light and wind. So if you can't eat fresh green chillies, store them in a cool and dark place. To do this, put your face in a fresh green chilli zipper bag from the market and keep it in the fridge and try to finish it in three-four days. In addition, it contains vitamin K.All types of peppers contain an ingredient called capsaicin. This capsaicin reduces inflammation, reduces arthritis, and helps prevent cancer. The American Institute of Cancer Research says that fresh green chillies contain capsaicin, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. So raw chillies are not only salty, but also have many benefits.The good news for those who do not eat a raw chilli with rice every day is that raw chilli is very beneficial for health. Capsaicin is a special ingredient in chili peppers. Chili peppers are usually eaten raw, cooked or fried. It contains vitamins A, C, B-6, iron, potassium and very small amounts of protein and carbohydrates.

Radish is not the name of any food that brings water to the tongue. On the contrary, many people sneeze when they hear its name. Some people dislike radish mainly because of its smell. But do you know how much the vegetables that you are neglecting are good for you?Red and white radishes are available in the market. Considering the nutritional value, none is less. Radish has more quality than radish. Young radish leaves can be eaten fried as a vegetable. There are also many other ways to cook radishes.Young mulberry salad helps increase appetite. Those who are suffering from fever and have no taste in the mouth, they can cut the radish into small pieces and chew it. Fever will decrease, taste in the mouth will also increase.Occasionally nausea with abdominal pain? In this case, radish can free you. Those who have abdominal pain and gastric problems will benefit from playing with muller juice mixed with lemon juice.Muller provides nutrition from the inside out, even from the outside of the skin. You can also use radish in skin care. Raw radish is cut into thin pieces and applied on the skin to reduce acne. Raw radish paste is also very useful as a face pack and cleanser. So use Muller to get beautiful skin instantly.

The benefits of red spinach are innumerable. It is a very favorite vegetable of Bengalis whose English name is Red amaranth. The slightly fragrant vegetable is readily available and easy to digest. It is rich in vitamins K, C and A, iron, protein, various minerals and very few calories. Do not overcook to keep the nutmeg intact. We eat this conch after cooking but in other countries it is also eaten in salads or sandwiches. So let's find out the benefits of red conch.If there is iron deficiency in the body, eat more red spinach. Also eat other red, green, yellow or orange colored vegetables and fruits. About 60% of the iron in the body is in the blood called hemoglobin. Iron is an important component of blood preparation in the body. Red conch helps your body produce blood and increase blood volume.Studies have shown that regular consumption of red spinach increases kidney function. Vitamins A and C in red spinach improve eyesight. Red conch is especially useful in glaucoma. Rich in antioxidants, red spinach helps reduce inflammation in the body. Those who want to lose weight must include red spinach in their list of healthy foods. The protein and fiber in red spinach reduce appetite and weight. Red spinach lowers blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. Red spinach meets 80% of our body's need for vitamin C. Just 1 cup of red spinach will give you 98% of your daily requirement of antioxidants. This antioxidant is especially helpful to get healthy skin. Red spinach is rich in Vitamin K and Calcium. Red spinach is especially beneficial for those who suffer from osteoporosis and calcium deficiency bone problems. Good for hair growth and skin. Those who suffer from hair loss and brown hair will benefit from playing red spinach. Those who have digestive problems after any illness or for any reason can eat red spinach. Playing regularly will benefit digestion. It also cures diarrhea and bleeding.

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan