Health is the key to Happiness...... Part 4

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 


Today I am talking about Patal and Jhinga.

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Shrimp is a well known vegetable in Bangladesh. It is a summer and monsoon vegetable. Its structure is elongated. On the one hand, it gradually becomes narrower and ends. The squirrel has grooved spots along the length and the outer covering is rough. In the afternoon when the squid blooms. There are two types of shrimp. Bitter shrimp and sweet shrimp. Sweet shrimp is cooked and eaten as a curry. Shrimp belong to the genus Ampantnaradhapabhadhaba of the plant world. The scientific name of the squid is khambhavdha abandhahamanshadha. Vegetables contain the essential nutrients of the human body. Many of us do not know about the properties of vegetables. As a result, we are deprived of consuming more nutritious whole vegetables at very low prices. Shrimp is a vegetable that contains all the ingredients of food. Shrimp is rich in Vitamin A, Calcium and Potassium. It also contains more or less other food items.Shrimp vegetables are cool sweet food. Increases stomach hunger, relieves hapani fever, cough, vomiting. Cleanses the stomach and keeps the body healthy. Eating shrimp strengthens the body's immune system. Its vitamin C purifies the blood, strengthens skin beauty, skin diseases, gum disease and antioxidants. As a result, the body does not get infected easily. Even cancerous germs are destroyed in the body. Folate in squid prevents heart disease or heart attack.Shrimp is one of the most popular vegetables in hot weather. Many terms can be made with this shrimp. Such as squid curry. Shrimp soup again shrimp soup. Give a lot of shrimp in fish broth and eat boiled shrimp to cool the stomach. Now it is better to say what are the benefits. Worms and mucus can be killed with bitter squid. Rubbing the roots of squid vine with cow's milk or cold water in the morning for three consecutive days removes stones. The squid also cleans the stomach. Dry squid powder is given to the head or the headache is cured. And playing with squid removes cold and stomach problems.

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Patal is a nutritious food. It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin C, Calcium and Antioxidants. We eat Patal as a vegetable but there are innumerable health benefits in this Patal and its seeds. Which many do not know.This green vegetable contains good amount of fiber which helps in digestion of food. It also helps to solve gastrointestinal problems and problems related to the liver. Soak coriander leaves in water with a fork. Drink the mixture three times. You will get a lot of benefits in digestive energy.Patal's beech is also beneficial for health. Which helps in curing constipation and excretion of feces. Patale has less amount of calories. So you can safely eat Patal curry to lose weight. It helps to keep the stomach full and reduce appetite. Patal beech contains a lot of anti-oxidants so blood cholesterol levels are right and sugar levels are normal. As a result, there is no risk of heart disease and diabetes. So eat more Patal regularly.Regular playing of Patal keeps the blood clean. As a result, the skin stays good. As a result, this green vegetable also works well in skin care. The small round seeds of Patal naturally help in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Patal is used in Ayurvedic medicine as medicine to reduce cold, fever and sore throat. Says beneficial for the skin. Patal helps prevent age spots by preventing the spread of free radicals. Applying the juice of green patal on the head will get rid of headaches and those who have baldness problems at a young age will also get rid of baldness problems.

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan