Blurt Buying Competition is Coming!!!!

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

image From kamranrkploy

Hello Blurt family!

Something huge and very big is coming to Blurt blog! I am always excited each time i hear about a contest! This particular one is very different and it comes with awesome benefits that all of us will love and appreciate!

I have always loved it when there is a trading competition! This time around, there would be a buy (trade) competition of Blurt from exchange.

I am sure we are aware of the fact that more buys put pressure of trade thereby create scarcity. This scarcity always in turn increases the value of the token because no one would want to sell cheaply.

This has always been a good thing forbthe cryptosverse. This is why i am so elated and calling everybody on Blurt and all social media to be a part of this awesome competition.

This is a win-win for you! You get to keep the Blurt you purchase and get awesome rewards for purchasing your own Blurt! Isn't that amazing?

In essence, this will increases the value of blurt, strengthens it, bring in more investors, create more awareness for Blurt as a token and Blurt blog as well.

In the end, everybody is happy and we all smile for making our Blurt very strong!

To know more about this great competition, kindly visit the links below:



Try to invite other friends to be a part of it and bring in Whales, investors so that we can all make this great community strong and very competitive with similar decentralised blogging platforms!!!

Thanks for your time!!!

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