Dulfie flowers photography

in r2cornell •  11 months ago 


White-dron is a species of Leucus genus in the Lamiaceae family. Although in different regions of the world where it grows, it is known by different names. Yet it is better known as English Thumbai. Its scientific name is Leucas aspera.

Shwetdrona is a perennial flowering plant. Their young leaves and stems can be cooked and eaten as vegetables. This vegetable has different names in different areas of Bangladesh. There is no known case of cultivating this vegetable already grown in natural environment. Shvetdrona or dandakalas are usually up to a hand's height from the ground. Usually the leaves of this plant are dark green in color and the stem is light green in color. Mature plants usually bear pale white flowers and the nectar from the flowers is sweet. The flower produces a green fruit and when the fruit ripens, there are small black seeds inside the fruit. Seeds reproduce. There are many seeds. It has various medicinal properties. Now let's know about its medicinal properties.

Phlegm cough:

In case of phlegm and cough, taking the juice of this plant and the juice of Thankuni leaves together is beneficial.

If worms:

If there is a worm, the juice of the leaves of this plant mixed with a little salt will kill the worm.

If dysentery:

Dysentery is very harmful. In case of dysentery, if you grind pepper together with its leaves, dysentery is cured.

In orange disease:

Drinking the juice of this leaf every day cures orange disease.

To cure edema:

Swelling is cured by heating the juice of the leaves and mixing it with honey.






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