বিড়ালের ফটোগ্রাফি

in r2cornell •  9 months ago 


There are 206 bones in our body. Do you know how many bones in the cat's body? 230 to 250.

An adult cat has 30 teeth

The cat is called 'tiger's aunt'. Because tigers are cats.

They can run at a speed of about 48 km. They can even beat Usain Bolt in running.

They can jump 5 times higher than their own height.

Cats dream like humans.

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world.

There are about fifty million cats in the world.

People have been domesticating cats since about 10,000 years ago.

Cats are favorite animals to sleep. They sleep about 13 to 14 hours a day.

The largest cat in the world weighs 21.297 kg.

Cats can see better at night than humans can see during the day.

A cat's ability to hear, see and smell is many times greater than that of a human.

Cats are one of the cleanest animals. They lick their bodies when they have time.

Several natural behaviors and traits of wild cats may have been pre-adapted to their domestication as pets. These characteristics include their small size, social nature, clear body language, love of play and high intelligence.





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