My drawing

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Hi friends, good day to all, how are you, my friends are happy right? So guys, today I drew and colored a picture as best as I could, so let's start from the beginning, here are the things I used to draw this picture,

  1. Pencil
  2. Eraser
  3. Color box
  4. A4 sheet


first I chose a paper to draw the picture and first drew a template of the picture, after that I started to draw the picture little by little



So, it took me about half an hour to draw this picture, when I finished drawing this picture, I started to color the picture, so I colored this picture as best as I could, so guys, see if my picture is good.


=== Describe of papaya===


So, friends, after drawing a picture about papaya today, I am now going to explain about papaya. So papaya is a very delicious fruit in Sri Lanka, so this fruit is found in almost every house in Sri Lanka. Papaya is a very beneficial and delicious fruit. It belongs to the genus of papaya "Carikesa" which is native to the tropical regions of America. The botanical name of this fruit is called "Carica papaya" which is known as a fruit rich in taste, quality as well as nutrition. This papaya, rich not only in nutritional quality but also in medicinal properties, can be grown under different temperatures and can be easily grown in any area. Moreover, coconut is known as a productive economic crop in Sri Lanka that can be grown as a side crop with a crop like pineapple.

===Nutrients of papaya===

Papaya, a fruit rich in vitamin C, contains sucrose, dextrose, malic acid, citrate, pectin etc. In addition, it is rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, B, B2 and iron and calcium.

===Disadvantage of papaya===

So guys let's finally see what are the disadvantages of papaya,
1.Skin irritation
2.Uterine contractions (miscarriage)
3.Stomach upset.

So friends, even though there are some small disadvantages, I see papaya as a fruit that is good for our body, what do you think about this, friends, so I'll stop leaving you to think about it, have a nice day.

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