in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Sing with me a song of love
let me dance to the tune
amazing song we'll make today
for the world to sing tomorrow.

Sing with me a song of love
your voice is loud and clear
but mine is swift and low
what a harmony it will be.

Let us make a great song
A sound sweet to the soul
we'll sing all day and night
and whisper in our dreams.

A song that never stops
we'll make the lyrics long
so that we'll sing all day
and rejoice in our song.


The rhythms very tempting
the words sending a message
A song of love it would be
making the world to yearn for more.

Sing with me a song of love
let's party through the night
a song to use and spread the love
celebrating how we overcame.

Sing today, I'll sing tomorrow
and then the world will sing forever
never let a day to pass
without singing a song of love.

Sing with me of how you love
I'll sing for you of how I feel
A song of Love, a song of Joy
will never cease to come from us.

Also on my Serey Blog

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