Poem: Day By Day

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Day by day we live our life
in our little sacred space
even when we look confused
we can't cease to live and move.

Day by day we leave our shell
Growth they say can never end
The change we see remains constant
We live to love and also be loved.

Day by day our struggle remains
The aim is to get a better life
Our fore sight for the future is
To get better by the day.

Day by day the Lord provides
All we need to keep up strong
Conquering all our enemies
Is what we do every day.

Day by day we learn and unlearn
The things that are good we keep alive
Letting go fear and deceit
We once held onto ourselves.

Day by day the race gets tougher
On the winning side we journey ahead
Never to quit even though we lose
Only to learn by our mistakes.


Day by day we forge ahead
Towards the fulfillment of our promise
Which we pledged to make ourselves
Better than we are today.

For our goals we will accomplish
For the height will attend
For the best that is yet to come
We boast and rejoice day by day.

Let's go up and reach the peak
Let's maintain our sanity
Let us make it worth the strength
Which we pumped in day by day.


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