Old military bunkers in Albania

in r2cornell •  4 months ago 

Hello everyone.
Last summer we visited Albania. It was my first time there and we had very good time. After entering Albania one friend showed us on one bunker and said that there is a lot of them in Albania. And he was right.
Military bunkers were built from 1960s to 1980s. And during this time more than 750 000 bunkers were built. Yes you read correctly - 750 000 military bunkers. (per wikipedia). Population of Albania in 1980 was around 3 milion so you get one bunker per 4 person.

Bunkers are interesting sight in Albania.

This is nuclear bunker located in Tirana. It has 5 palace underground and 106 rooms. It is now used Bunker Museum. There is Bunk Art 1 and Bunk Art 2 museum in Tirana.





This is other bunker on the entrance of Dajti Adventure Park on mount Dajti.
New use for old military bunker.



More bunker on mount Dajti.




And these are bunkers on the beach. This is beach in Durres, port city in western Albania. Coast of Adriatic Sea.




We had nice time in Albania. You learn something new about places you visit. And bunkers were interesting part.

Photos by @sammy00.

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  ·  4 months ago  ·  


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  ·  4 months ago  ·  

@beblurt @nalexadre @ten-years-before tnx for the support and stopping by