First Spider Photo of the Year - Walnut Orb Weaver or Nuctenea umbratica

in r2cornell •  last month  (edited)

Hello everyone.
Some time off and second post after long time.
I have photos of beautiful spider. It is first spider photo for me this year (If I recall correctly). Taken this mid April. This is Walnut Orb Weaver - Nuctenea umbratica. Lovely pattern and colors.
While in our greenhouse I noticed this lovely spider. No time to waste. Took couple of photos.

What is more beautiful way to take photo of Walnut Orb Weaver?
Of course with its web. Now weather is warmer and there should be more spiders around. Nice opportunity for more photos..
Walnut Orb Weaver.




Photos by @sammy00.

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tnx for the support
have a nice day