The Pulling Out of An Academy Corper

in r2cornell •  last year 

The Pride of Academy Loyalty and Valour
The National youth service corp is once in a lifetime experience just like yesterday it has come and gone but the impact will always stand the taste of time. The year is program to engage graduating students of various institutions of learning and discipline to inculcate in them a wide range of empirical knowledge that has to do with the personal interaction with people from different spheres of life ranging from ethnicity, educational and Professionalism. Especially Nigerian as dynamic as it's, one needs to be educated and empirically sound to be able to operate in Nigeria smoothly.

The objectives of the National Youth Service Corps Program are clearly enumerated in Decree No. 51 of 16 June 1993 as follows: To inculcate discipline in Nigerian youths by instilling in them a tradition of industry at work, and of patriotic and loyal service to Nigeria in any situation they may find themselves.
To produce knowledgeable, competent, skillful and energetic youths, enriched with resilience and courage to fill the skill gap of the future professionals to contribute towards varied and resourceful youth development.


Mine was an accomplishment and achievement, opportunity well utilize, serving in a prestigious institution like the Nigerian Defence Academy the Only Premier Military University in West Africa, I consider this a great previlage and I am honoured. In the course of one year I was able to enrich myself with so many military ways of operations, training, drills, terms and parade, most paramount their educational system which is the cradle of a gallant military officer with doggedness and Intelligence. In the same vein I was able to have a personal interaction with personnels from different arm of service; Army, Airforce and Navy. To an extent I understand how they work collectively as team to execute a mission, their dress code for different occasions and ceremony; camouflage for military parades, ceremonial for weddings and dinner, office uniform for official military function. Ranks cut across all the arms of service with their specialty (corp).

It's said; certificate is awarded in character and learning at this point I'm proud to say I am a certified Bachelor of Art, I have been assessed in character from my institution to my place of primary assignment through the NYSC scheme who have found me worthy to hold this discharge certificate.


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