The story of a a poor boy.

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

All praise is due to Allah Almighty who has kept us healthy Alhamdulillah.

I will tell you today ,,,, the sad story of a child in childhood ,,,,

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Childhood is the time of sports. Childhood is the time of study. Those of you who are a little wealthy are very fortunate to have the opportunity to play sports and study. Your golden days are cut short by laughing and writing. How many dreams of the future in your mind! You will be much bigger. Mom and Dad's face will shine. The family will increase the pride of the society and the country.

We also dream a lot about you. We also have high hopes and expectations for you. We wish you a beautiful golden future.

But today I will tell you the sad story of a child.
The child will be eight or nine years old, some less or some more. There was no affluence in the child's house. Lack of food did not nourish the body. He did not have new clothes on Eid. But he had hope in his chest, he had dreams in his eyes. He will receive the light of learning. Learning to read will be like human beings and will alleviate the grief of parents. Their dirty faces will smile. So he would go to a distant village every day to study barefoot and in torn clothes.

He had no books, no pen and ink, yet he studied.

Suddenly one day the baby's father had a fever and three days later his father died, and he was buried
Was done. Then the child's education was over. His dreams were also buried.

He took the helm of his father's boat in the middle of it to take the helm of the world. Boating with great difficulty
He brought two coins and handed them over to his mother. So the mother and son's family survives.

I know the name of this baby. But what will happen knowing the name! How many hundreds of children are scattered in the cities of Bangladesh, in the villages! Who keeps them informed! My only request to you is; If you ever meet such a child, do not dismiss him as trivial. Decorate with your thoughts, caress and if you can, talk about two consolations.

And from now on, promise to stand by the helpless children whenever possible. Light will spread among them and you will make the buds of their dreams dream.

Dear friends! You can! We must be able to.

May Allah Tayala accept Amin.

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