My Digital Art "Cutter Brieze"

in r2cornell •  last year 

hi guys,
Today i come back my new Digital Art "Cutter Brieze"
have a nice day!
how are you everybody! I hope everybody is well.

Now, I am presenting to you a drawing of "Splinterlands Art contest// week -230! I have try to best Art.
I have appeared before you again with a new creature picture. The name of the creature "Cutter Brieze"

I use for this Digital Art my Computer. And i use AutoCad and Photoshop-CS5 software.
This is my completed Digital Art................

Cutter Brieze Layout1 (10).jpg

First i chose the picture link here!


Then I start drawing the full body with AutoCad-2010.


So come on, now let me show you color methods.

First step:
I look at the picture very well, then I start paint. I first start color from the head parts with his hair and face then I color the rest part step by step. And first i decided to paint his face light Grey color. Then; i used hair Black, Red and Green color.
Second step:
Then i do paints his eyes and eyebrows with Black color. This is matched his body and looks amazing.

Third step:
Then I dye his forehead cloth.

Four step:
Now, this step i used his full body Dark and Light Grey color. It's looks Beautiful.

Five step:
Then I do paint his waist and legs clothes with Red and Blue color.

Six step:
Fainaly, Then i do paint his left hands the sword. And i do paint left hand head side clothe with Red and Yellow color.








Cutter Brieze Layout1 (10).jpg

I hope everybody like my drawing. And everyone will support me. Thanks for reading my post to take time. And Special Thanks "Splinterlands" for arrange this contest.

Thanks all,

Subscribe my channel:!/c/royblog97

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