My Quest for Affluence and Money. Episode 3

in r2cornell •  last year 


The next morning, I woke up to the sight of rays of sun penetrating through my window. I moved close to the window to see the full beauty of the early morning sun. I couldn't stop gazing at this beautiful golden creature in the sky far above my roof. Nature is indeed beautiful. I said and dragged my feet back to my bed to observe my morning prayers and meditation.

Immediately after the prayer, I dashed to the bathroom to freshen up. My mum was already at the dining table when I got there. Good morning mum, I greeted. She responded, Good morning my darling, I hope you slept well. I nodded. She served the food, Yam, and fried eggs. Halfway into the meal, Mum asked if everything was alright. I told her everything was perfect and continued with my meal.

I was about to step out of the house when Mum asked, Didn't you say you were going to see Dennis yesterday? Yes, I did and I will tell you all about it when I return from work, I responded. No, You will tell me now. She protested. I told her I'd be late for work but she insisted I give her the gist. At last, I gave in. So, I told her everything that happened the previous day in the prison and also his request that I come see him the next day which was that day to listen to the remaining part of his story. Mum felt pity for him and said how I wished he had listened to us when we tried to caution him.

I had decided the previous day not to go see him because I didn't want to see him go through the pain of narrating his ordeal again. He had reached the end of the road, he should just go without having to worry about anything or telling his story. I had thought to myself, it is enough that he is going to be executed soon, I shouldn't compound his problem by appearing before him again. My mum didn't agree with my decision. She urged me to go see him and give him a listening ear. That's all he needs right now and I guess you're the only one who can do that for him. He was once a friend, please do this last favor for him, my princess, She pleaded. I had no choice but to listen to my mum.

I put a call through to my workplace to inform them that I wouldn't be coming to work and drove straight to Kirikiri prison. It was a long ride. I observed the formalities and tipped the officers on duty so that I could have enough time with him. Another warder, different from the one from the previous day led me to the infirmary. This time, I didn't meet him in a sad mood. He looks so bright and cheerful. I greeted him and he responded very well. I asked him how he was feeling and the reason behind his cheerful mood. He responded "You" I was surprised so, I asked how? He said, "Because you're beautiful and we don't see beautiful people often here" We both laughed at the joke.

Then he continued, I am happy because you were here yesterday and you are here now. I have been having this feeling that you won't show up as promised. I am so glad you came. Talking to you yesterday made me feel better. It was like a burden was taken off me. My body aches less and I regain so much strength because I was able to eat well for the first time since I have been here.

Your presence and listening ears mean a lot to me. Thank you my tiny Jojo. I smiled. Tiny Jojo was the name he usually called me whenever he wanted to tease me when we were young. I said to him, Dennis, I thought your sense of humor would have died by now. I can see the real Dennis is still alive. He answered, "Yes o, the real Dennis is still here in his fullness. Your big dede still dey until the next five days though". The last part of his words carried so much grief. The room became sad.

In a bid to bring life back to the room, I reminded him about the story he was telling me. I told him, Let us continue our story from where we stopped yesterday before your brother here come and should time up, he laughed and asked, where did I stop?

To be continued

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  ·  last year  ·  

Nice & interesting story! Beautiful message is been passed here

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you @hossy