My Quest for Affluence and Money. Episode 2

in r2cornell •  last year 


It all started 10 years ago after my Secondary School Certificate examination. Seeing the bitterness on his face and how he was struggling with words, I tried to stop him from continuing but he refused and said, Don't stop me. It is my story, Let me tell it to the world so that covetous people like me can learn from my mistakes. I didn't know what else to say or to do. so, I kept silent after hearing his words. He also stopped to look my face.

After that, he continued, I was 17 years old at that time. I already started feeling and behaving like a full-grown adult. My parents asked me about my next plan. They inquired about the course I would like to study and the tertiary institutions would like to attend. I couldn't give them a reasonable response since schooling was the last thing on my mind then. All I wanted then was to make money. I asked for time to think about it and promised to get back to them. I kept dragging the topic of furthering my education by coming up with different excuses each time Dad brought it up.

After three years of continuous lies, Dad gave up on me. All he usually says whenever he sets his eyes on me is, "I know you're a lost cause but I will keep praying for you. In my next life, My Chi will bless me with many children" Mum however didn't stop begging me to at least acquire a skill or learn a trade if I didn't want to further my education. I kept procrastinating and continued living a wayward life. I follow the big boys with no future ambition on the streets up and down discussing how to buy the latest ride, how to buy Jet, how to establish the best supermarket, how to buy designers and indulge in frivolities. For individuals with no job, how do we achieve them? hmmm. It was a circle of hopeless discussion for us.

Few months later, I lost my Dad. It was a sad event to recall. A car ran him over when he wanted to cross the road to the other side to come stop the guys l got into trouble with from stabbing me with the knives in their hands. He died on the spot of the accident with his body parts scattered on the road. It was a terrible sight. You know how fast and far negative news travels. Before the ambulance could get to the scene to remove my dad's remains in other to save my mum from such a horrifying sight, she already heard the news. I couldn't hold back my tears when I saw her coming from afar with no headgear or footwear. On getting to the scene, she fainted. The ambulance arrived just in time and she was rushed to the hospital. Dad's remains were gathered and buried the same day. What a terrible loss! May his soul continue to rest in peace. I said.

He continued, At first, I was sad and felt guilty for Dad's sudden death because if I didn't get into trouble with bad guys that day, he wouldn't have crossed the road hurriedly in an attempt to come save me. I felt remorseful for a few days but eventually shook it off. I became happy that he was gone. I begin to see his demise as a relief. I feel like my worst nightmare is gone because we have become enemies in the house since he discovered I don't want to do anything to become useful for myself or for the family. I started living freely like a prodigal son. This whole time, Mum was still lying in the hospital bed almost lifeless.

At the hospital, I asked the doctor to tell me what exactly was wrong with Mum and how long it would require for her to recover. Dr. Ray said the shock of the news and the sight of my dad in such terrible condition made some parts of body paralyzed. Moreover, she was suffering from hypertension before. There and Then, I realized how bad it feels to be worthless and obstinate. What a worthless child I have proven to be! I ruined my family. I destroyed a happy family. May the Lord and the spirit of my parents forgive me. He started crying and I also was struggling to keep back the tears that had formed in my eyes.

The warder came to inform me that my time was up. That was an escape route for me. I urged him to stop crying and promised to be back the next day. He nodded, had a loud breath, and waved goodbye with a face begging me to fulfill my promise.

I couldn't wait to get out of the prison before I let out the tears in my eyes. I let them flow freely. I felt so sorry for him.

To be continued

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