My Quest for Affluence and Money. Episode 11

in r2cornell •  last year 


The letter read thus;

Dear brother

I am glad our paths crossed on earth I was lonely before I met you and you came and gave me the relationship money cannot buy. Although at first, I took you in because I felt pity for you after hearing your story, in the long run, I realized you were a gift from God to be my company. My heart is always filled with joy whenever you call me brother. The past few months since I brought you in are my most memorable moments ever since I lost my family.

I had a whole beautiful life planned for you before I realized we have a lot of things in common including "greed", the reason I lost my family

Once upon a time, in a village of Agbo in Delta state, there was a promising young man who was very bright and intelligent. This boy was loved by many in the village because of his brilliance and dedication to education. I was the boy. At some point, a man came to the village who claimed to be working with a company in Chicago, USA. He claimed the company wants to recruit new staff and they need intelligent and hardworking people regardless of their educational attainment. My name was the first in the list of names the villagers mentioned to the man.

He invites all our parents and tells them about the opportunity. He told them the company would sponsor our education, and give us cars, houses, and jobs with juicy pay but our parents have to sponsor our traveling and it is going to cost them a lot of money.

They all asked how much it would cost them and he replied four hundred thousand naira (#400,000.00)for each person . They all exclaimed and told him they would get back to him. When we got home, my dad called my uncle in the city to inform him and seek his advice and he immediately confirmed the man to be a scammer. My dad and other parents told the man they had no interest and he should take his opportunity elsewhere.

I became really sad. I couldn't stop thinking about all the good things and the good life the man promised us. I went to meet the man and he advised me to sell my father's properties without his consent. I took the document of all my daddy's landed properties to him to help me sell them so that we could travel together. He sold them all and absconded. My dad disowned me and sent me out of the house. Shame drove me out of the village and that was how I lost my first family.

Many years later, I had another family, my wife and 2kids. It was a struggle for us raising the children because we were both jobless. I suggested to my wife that we should sell one of our children and set up a business with the money. She agreed with me that night and we all slept. Before I woke up the next morning, She already left with both kids. I lost my God's given family again.

I didn't bother looking for them. I continued to live my life as a street guy until I met Lord Jigi who introduced me to the MBC group. In a short time, I became a millionaire. I married many wives but none of them bore me a child. I went to the hospital for treatment and after a thorough examination of my body, I was told I couldn't impregnate a woman due to the damage the accident I had some years back caused on my testicle. My wife left me. I started feeling lonely and empty until I met you and you filled the the void.

I became a happy person again. Then another problem struck, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The one that has spread all over my brain and couldn't be removed anymore. The doctor said I only have a few months to live. I was so sad and that night you asked me to teach you how to hunt fish. I refused at first and dragged it on but seeing that your desperation, I didn't want you to run away from me. I had to agree so that I could have you around me. I knew introducing you to MBC was a path to destruction but I was too greedy to refuse because I know you will leave the house if I insisted on not giving you what you asked for. You started the work and became invisible in the house. I became lonely again and I regretted introducing you to the club.

I looked everywhere for my long-lost family but I didn't find them. So, I hired a private investigator to help me find them. After a month, He found them and brought a picture of my kids and their mother. I couldn't help but weep when he told me the condition he met then. By then, my health had deteriorated badly but you didn't notice despite staying under the same roof.

I waited for you to return several nights so, that I could discuss my ordeal with you and decide when you would drive me to Ijora Badiya to see my family. I wanted you as my brother to follow me there but you were too busy with work.

I went to the hospital yesterday and the doctor told me to expect anything any moment from then. I already knew in my body that the night was drawing nearer. I wanted to speak to you but you were not available. I told the doctor to tell you where to find this after my burial in case something happened.

The address and the picture of my long lost family will be attached to this letter. Please find them and take them out of that slum. When you find them, bring them to the house and introduce them Barrister Collins. I have given him instructions on what to do. The documents for all my properties are in the safe in my bedroom. My daughter's name is the passcode. I know you're greedy but please do not deny my children access to their father's wealth. Please, respect my last wish.

Finally, , I will advise you to quit that job and start living a decent life. what you already have is enough to set you for life and I also have part of my properties willed to you. You are a promising young man and have your whole life ahead of you. Henceforth, whatever you wish to do must be legal. Do not let greed and insatiable quest for material things destroy your life further. I am going to die lonely and empty after all the money and properties I have acquired. I don't want you to end up like me. Please, quit that job and start a decent life.

This is all I wanted to tell you. Please, grant my last request and heed to my advice. See you on the other side.

Your dying brother
Nwanike Jones

Tears ran down my cheeks after I finished reading the letter. Dennis would have saved himself from sudden death if he had read the letter and taken to the advice. Hmmmm....What a world!

To be continued....

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