1.0 Introduction
In the era of globalization, modernization, and rationalization, one thing which is most applauded about is the pride and dignity of every being. There are universal conceptions and misconstrued arguments to the position of a woman in the society. For me, these are universal human problems that have to deal with the structure of human consciousness which always seek its autonomy outside the foundation of its unity. They are universal human problems, just as the phenomenon of excessive self-interest is human problem beyond races, nations and religions. Where we are not able to manage our tension-laden existential situations well, we are likely also to develop a divisive exclusivist type of mindset which evokes those problems we abhor. Looking at the widespread of these notions held in regards to the equality, pride and dignity of a woman; one will be tempted to tag these divergents views as paradox. This is a paradox and the tragedy of human ambivalent existential situations. It becomes very clear that hardly any human problem is a localised problem. Those who think that the call of treating women with pride and dignity are typical problems of any region of the world must think again.
The thrust of this article will be to unravel the immediate need to have a rethink, a universal common ground on the human existential situations hovering over the pride and dignity of a woman using dogmatic postulations to reconcile my claims.
2.0 The Need to Treat Women with Pride and Dignity
The strongest force that lies at the core of all human interactions and relationships is dignity. Human yearn for it at personal, social, and professional Levels. Everyone wants to be treated well with dignity. Yet, not everyone gets their fair share of it. Now, you will understand why I had to tag it: “The Paradox of Human Existential Situations”. In a situation where a woman’s pride and dignity is trampled upon, one immediately cast their minds on the concept of slave morality. Depriving the human person to access what nature had given freely without a price. There seems to be a big lacuna in some parts of the region. Sadly, in the African setting, the men load it on the Women folks, even at the esteemed workplace where she can prove herself itself becomes the place where her wings get clipped. Statistics has shown that, only 34% of women in the African continent are actively in the decision making and at the helm of affairs in politics compared to other nations. This is sad to note, as women here[Africa] are been relegated and limited to perform some household jobs and other domestic needs. In our local parlance, women belongs to “The Other Room”. What this means is simple, that women are vehicles of sexual gratification alone. The big question is: What becomes the pride and dignity of an African woman ?
Today, world leaders, politicians, the church and youth; and even the laymen talk about the blurring gap between men and women. But the irony is, it is all loose talk in the air, because when the time comes to execute it practically, women are always portrayed as weaklings. To take oneself to be better than other-simply as human-amounts to a denial that others share the same state as human. This can lead to a denial that others are owed the same forms of respectful treatment that we are, and hence a willingness to treat others in ways that we would consider out of bounds for ourselves. As a Catholic priest, I believe that: “ Dignity, Pride and Respect should be the core of every human being”. But the case is totally different today, as most women are denied of their identity, some being subjected to a desperate dignity. Our sense of identity becomes defined by what we do rather than who we are. Protecting people against such loss of pride is of utmost importance; personal dignity is vital to human well-being, since personal dignity depends on having a certain amount of pride in oneself, pride too is vital to human well-being, and ought to be protected.
As rational entities, we are bound by duty to treat one another with utmost dignity and respect. In his Critique of Practical Reason, Immanuel Kant writes: Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: The starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. This state to the fact that, we owe duty and moral obligation to act in a certain way.
3.0 The Biblical Notion of Pride and Dignity
Male hierarchy over women is not God’s original design; as scripture recognizes the equality of the human person . At creation , God created Adam and Eve ; male and female .He gave them charge over creation cf Gen 1:28. Complementarity was the purpose of creation not subordination. For this a man will leave his fathers house and be United to his wife , the two shall become one Mt 19:5 and Gen 2:24.
We see how women played important roles even in salvation history . We recognize figures like Esther whom God used to save his people cf Esther 5-10, Elizabeth the mother of John described as a woman who was "righteous in the eyes of God, careful to obey all of the Lord's commands and regulations" (Luke 1:6), the blessed Virgin Mary LK 1:26-28 and Mary Madaline who was the first to discover that Christ had risen from the dead .
It was at her promoting that the other disciples ran to the tomb to discover that He is no more but risen .
These and in many other places has the woman played important roles no less than man.
From the scripturally instances given, it is crystal clear that, holding a different view suggest subjectivism and not objectivism.
4.0 The Way forward and Conclusion
From the foregoing, the tone is clear that, there is a missing link in the service human beings render to each other. The service of treating the woman with pride and dignity. I wish to implore the principle of human integration which states thus:” All human actions are geared towards the joy of being.
The subject-object divide & tension, which is inherently in all beings pose a huge challenge towards the realization of the issue of pride and dignity in women. The need therefore, to adhere to a universal cultural norm that seeks to unify diverse cultures through its methods of dialogue and polylogue will go along way in addressing these concerns.
Finally, I remain committed to the insight that human beings ought be treated with pride and dignity despite our various cultural beliefs. Many folks seek to steer a course of a more liberal stand on the said discourse. How successful such approaches can become depends on how adequate their methods are towards addressing the conflict arising from the structure of human consciousness. We are indeed coevals in advocating that women should be treated with pride and dignity.
We all should empower women with quality education.
We should give them their all authorities.
We should grant them all dignities and prides.
Women are a strong part of the society.
No community can develop without them.
You are right !
I am a strong advocate of the same rights .
This is a very nice post, I had a good time reading it. Honestly in our society today most women aren't treated well, the ones respected are the very wealthy or influencial ones. I like this post. I have reblurtted it so more people can see it. Thank you for this good post sir.
You welcome ! ! Thanks for this great contribution to make the message wide read .
For me you are a great enrichment here on Blurt.
Of course, the dignity of all people is one of the most important things.
Of course, we are still worlds away from gender equality.
Men have also taken many positions of power in society due to their physical strength and of course do not want to give them up.
You can certainly imagine that the Catholic Church immediately comes to mind.
Even in Rome, the powerful men are far from giving up their power.....
In the article “A call to Treat Women with Pride and Dignity”, I technically avoided doing an exposition on “Gender and Equality”; though a massive topic of discourse, I decided to treat the woman instead of delving into the holistic discourse which I knew will raise a lot of eyebrows. There is no gain saying that, gender and equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
The campaign for gender equality and sensitive has been championed now , not only by women themselves but also by men who know that the female gender has not been treated fairly .
While some continents are getting it right , for other continents, there’s a massive need for the campaign to be taken to the next level . I am one of the advocate that opine that, the woman should be given her priority .
The line about the Catholic Church was read over and over with close attention on how this has affected the female gender .
I noticed with great pleasure , the diocesan of San Francisco in California had a woman as her chancellor ( the secretary of the diocese ) in 2015 when I visited. It looked strange as remarked by a priest friend but I retorted immediately, women are better handlers of secrecy . This reply made him mute .
While I agreed that the gap to close is massive , we must not give up on the campaign to do so .
Posterity will hold us blamed should we be quite . But Should we do what we are doing , it won’t forget us.
There is a more collaborative effort now in the Catholic Church . The female congregation are now given key areas of the diocese to manage ; hospital apostolate , schools and other endevours . This for me is a welcome development to getting it right. Indeed, it’s our collective effort now, the church alone cannot do it without our help, the government, also needs our help as the call for sensitization ought to begin in our immediate environment.
We pray for more collaborative forums .
I am thrilled with the rapid pace of work on the Uganda project ! That is really huge . May strength be given to you.
I am even more determined to continue with my school project too . This has really sparked that zeal that is in me . Thanks for making me know that what needs to be done ought to be done within time and space .
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Dignity is everything for a respectful people.
And women is also one of them.
We should not deprive women from this.
We should give them fully freedom in every field of life.
Because without woman there is no possibility of human conception.
@tariqueshafique thanks for being an advocate and defender of women . This campaign must be taken far beyond the walls of social media , but into houses and churches ; schools , the streets , market places and everywhere!
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Thanks for this powerful acknowledgment!
My greatest thanks
Great post. Upvoted. Followed.
Thanks so much ! I am humbled .