in r2cornell •  2 years ago  (edited)


It has been a long time since I published a personal post. The decision to discontinue publishing was due to a combination of factors not limited to responsibilities in my person life and contracting Covid-19 or one of its variants twice.

Cela fait longtemps que je n'ai pas publié de billet personnel. La décision d'arrêter de publier est due à une combinaison de facteurs qui ne se limitent pas aux responsabilités dans ma vie personnelle et au fait que j'ai contracté deux fois le Covid-19 ou une de ses variantes.

At almost 70 years old I think I held up well to the virus, and to the ongoing stress in my personal life. I am now getting back on track with my health improving. I am increasing my physical activity and plan on being back in my usual form before the end of summer.

A mis casi 70 años creo que he aguantado bien el virus y el estrés continuo de mi vida personal. Ahora estoy volviendo a la senda de la mejora de mi salud. Estoy aumentando mi actividad física y pienso volver a mi forma habitual antes del final del verano.

I took a huge hit in my retirement funds which included more than just large paper losses in in crypto. In time I believe cryptocurrencies will all return, and retirement will become feasible again. I was able to sell off enough at its highs in order to pay taxes on my gains. The three platforms, including Blurt hold the bulk of my value of cryptocurrencies.

He recibido un gran golpe en mis fondos de jubilación que incluía algo más que grandes pérdidas en papel en cripto. Con el tiempo creo que las criptodivisas volverán todas, y la jubilación será factible de nuevo. Pude vender lo suficiente en sus máximos para pagar los impuestos sobre mis ganancias. Las tres plataformas, incluyendo Blurt mantienen la mayor parte de mi valor de criptodivisas.

I am not sure how often I will publish, and will do so as I have the time. I had not used my Canon Rebel TR 5 during this time, and started missing it. Recently I started back with my photography, and hope to continue with it. As long as I have fresh photographs I will make an effort to publish from time-to-time.

No estoy seguro de la frecuencia con la que publicaré, y lo haré según tenga tiempo. No había utilizado mi Canon Rebel TR 5 durante este tiempo, y empecé a echarla de menos. Recientemente he retomado la fotografía, y espero continuar con ella. Mientras tenga fotografías frescas haré un esfuerzo por publicar de vez en cuando.

end of post graphic.png

Author: @r2cornell



I do not have many photographs of roses currently, but above I am sharing you a rose that I have been growing in a pot for a few years. I winter it over in my garage. It is supposed to be a miniature rose, although the plant and blooms are larger than my true miniature roses. I am sure I have shared photos from this plant in the past, yet this is a new photo.

No tengo muchas fotografías de rosas actualmente, pero arriba les comparto una rosa que cultivo en maceta desde hace unos años. Lo inverné en mi garaje. Se supone que es una rosa miniatura, aunque la planta y las flores son más grandes que mis verdaderas rosas miniatura. Estoy seguro de que he compartido fotos de esta planta en el pasado, pero esta es una foto nueva.

The following flower is called Osteospermum. Besides this yellow one, I also have a purple on growing. I hope to share it when I get around to completing another post. The photograph was taken with my Note 9 Samsung smart phone.

La siguiente flor se llama Osteospermum. Además de esta amarilla, también tengo una púrpura en crecimiento. Espero compartirla cuando me ponga a completar otro post. La fotografía fue tomada con mi teléfono inteligente Samsung Note 9.


I have been building these elevated "grow-beds" for vegetables. I have had good luck lining the inside with plastic to hold water, and then growing in a large pot or grow-bags. I seem to have better production using the grow bags. I have filled this type of "grow-bed" with potting soil, but it was difficult to maintain the moisture during the dry season. This happened last year, which was a drought year for us. I can put several inches of water in it and the plastic holds the water until the container can absorb the water.

He estado construyendo estas "camas de cultivo" elevadas para las verduras. He tenido buena suerte forrando el interior con plástico para retener el agua, y luego cultivando en una maceta grande o en bolsas de cultivo. Parece que tengo mejor producción usando las bolsas de cultivo. He llenado este tipo de "cama de cultivo" con tierra para macetas, pero era difícil mantener la humedad durante la estación seca. Esto ocurrió el año pasado, que fue un año de sequía para nosotros. Puedo poner varios centímetros de agua y el plástico retiene el agua hasta que el recipiente pueda absorberla.


This photo is of a larger elevated "grow-bed" that I am about finished. It is wide enough that I can have to 5 or 7 gallon grow bags of tomatoes, with two side by side. I have some tomatoes growing in grow bags, and transplanting more. Soon, the weather will improve enough that I will get it set up with tomatoes. For now I bring tomato plants in every night.

Esta foto es de una "cama de cultivo" elevada más grande que estoy a punto de terminar. Es lo suficientemente amplia como para que pueda tener bolsas de cultivo de 5 o 7 galones de tomates, con dos al lado. Tengo algunos tomates creciendo en bolsas de cultivo, y trasplantando más. Pronto, el tiempo mejorará lo suficiente como para que lo ponga en marcha con tomates. Por ahora traigo tomateras todas las noches.


I have not had the time to plant my usual large garden so I have left my garden plots "go back to nature". There are all types of weeds and wildflowers growing now, which attracts beneficial insects. I have taken photos of this flower in the past. It is actually a low growing "weed" with very tiny blooms. With my macro lens I am able to bring forth its beauty.

I have not had the time to plant my usual large garden so I have left my garden plots "go back to nature". There are all types of weeds and wildflowers growing now, which attracts beneficial insects. I have taken photos of this flower in the past. It is actually a low growing "weed" with very tiny blooms. With my macro lens I am able to bring forth its beauty.


end of post graphic.png

I normally use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon digital camera that I use from time to time. I do take some photographs with my Samsung Note 9 smart phone and include them from time to time.

Normalmente utilizo una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto cuando se indica. Tengo una cámara digital PowerShot Canon más antigua que utilizo de vez en cuando. También tomo algunas fotografías con mi teléfono inteligente Samsung Note 9 y las incluyo de vez en cuando.

end of post graphic.png

Since I discontinued publishing my first great-grandchild was born. She is 18 months old now, and has added a wonderful perspective to my life. I will try and include a phot from time to time to share this wonderful human being that has entered my life. (Photo taken with an Apple iPhone, by my Granddaughter).

Desde que dejé de publicar nació mi primer bisnieto. "Ella" tiene ahora 18 meses y ha añadido una maravillosa perspectiva a mi vida. Intentaré incluir una foto de vez en cuando para compartir este maravilloso ser humano que ha entrado en mi vida. (Foto tomada con un iPhone de Apple, por mi nieta).


This brings us to the end of this publication. I trust you will find something in it that you enjoy. I am not going to set a schedule for publishing content. There are times I just cannot get to putting together a publication. I want to enjoy this process and do not need an additional stressor in my life. So sharing a publication as a can will be a surprise when they show up. Thank you for sharing this moment in time with me.

Con esto llegamos al final de esta publicación. Confío en que encuentren en ella algo que les guste. No voy a establecer un calendario de publicación de contenidos. Hay veces que simplemente no puedo ponerme a hacer una publicación. Quiero disfrutar de este proceso y no necesito un factor de estrés adicional en mi vida. Así que, compartir una publicación cuando sea posible, será una sorpresa, cuando aparezcan. Gracias por compartir este momento conmigo.

R2cornell by opidia cropped.jpg

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Amazing and beautiful photos , you could give credit to the banner

To @opidia

Happy you like it :)

Posted from

Thank you. And, thank you for the creation and use of the above banner.

I have started to work on my next post (It takes me a little time here and thee to work on it. I have you covered for that post!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I appreciate and very glad you like it , if you need any banner feel free to ask me .

Posted from

Dear Mr. Cornell, it is an honor to have you back. I am so glad you got through all the difficult times. I hope you can have enough time to continue to show your beautiful photographs.
Congratulations on your beautiful great granddaughter, children always give us a different perspective on life.

Greetings and welcome back

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I appreciate it. It feels right to me. The time may be right.

My great-granddaughter can brighten the bleakish day with her smile, warm hugs, and kisses. It see,s to make everything alright no matter what is going on.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome back sir.
Good to see and read your personal blog once more

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I appreciate it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi, @r2cornell that great news,you are back in blurt family and you healthy.
God blessings on you always and everyday your post come in Blurt family.
I am very happy see you again here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I appreciate it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome most welcome sir,I hope you always healthy and strong.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello @r2cornell I am happy that you write again and give us beautiful flowers, that method of elevated grow beds and container gardening seems to be good for you. It is a good option to make crops more personal. The granddaughter is beautiful. Happy and long life.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano.
Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord.

Curado manualmente por Geeklania.

Te invitamos a votar por @blurthispano como Witness.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Es genial verle activo nuevamente amigo , estoy de acuerdo con usted en que todo debe ser con calma y sin estrés.

Sus cultivos de rosas miniaturas son muy lindos y estaré atenta a esos hermosos y rojos tomates.
Su bisnieta es muy hermosa, estoy segura le da mucha felicidad tenerla cerca .

Estoy feliz de verle compartir esta publicación con todos nosotros y le deseo muchas bendiciones y éxitos .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome back dear sir! I am very glad to see you posting after a long time. It's great feeling that you are now realising better and you have started blogging once again.

Posted from

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome back! we really missed you. Meanwhile, congratulations to the selected authors.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're welcome

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Friend @r2cornell nice pictures. You have always been known for capturing beautiful images with your camera. I loved your post your great granddaughter is beautiful God bless her.

I wish you much success in everything you undertake, better times will come. You are a great human being full of empathy and that is very important, with an indescribable human quality. You will receive all good things and soon you will be financially well. May God continue to bless you. Greetings

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Warmly welcome back sir! I joined this platform about seven months ago but I haven't read your posts yet. Probably it's the first post I have seen and found it awesome. May you be healthy and live long!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have many posts on all platforms dating back to 2017 (I think) on Steemit. Not sure how many show up anymore, even though they are still on the blockchain.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Beautiful flowers, may your health thrive like them 💗

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How nice to know that you're basically ok...

I'm glad to see your flowers again, that elevated "grow-bed" looks really neat and well finished, great job!

I'm sad for whatever losses you've had and hope you'll recover from them soon. You know, crypto can always give you surprises ;)

I'm not posting and barely engaged as much as wished due to my normal daily job and studies, family and so on but didn't want to let pass this opportunity to greet you and as always send my best wishes, you know, I appreciate you.

So you fell in love again! hahaha, it's normal, that lady looks so adorable!

Big hugs to you and your beloved ones 🤗

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much. It has been awhile./

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Happy to see you bounced back from covid not once but twice and you have a lovely granddaughter to share your life with she is so cute, keep fit and enjoy @r2cornell 🙂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I appreciate it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

More then welcome @scilwa 👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You made my day. Thank you for the witness vote from both❤️

welcome back to publishing and ongoing improving health <3

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I miss you so much my friend, I haven't seen you for years in Steemit. 🥰 🥰

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not sure if I will publish on steemit or Hive. I am starting slow and will post as I can here on Blurt.

I still have a lot of responsibilities in that I take care of disabled adults in ib my home. One of the ladies has terminal cancer and now has lost her vision. More work on my part.

I also need time to get myself back in physical shape. A couple of days ago I started splitting (with a log splitter) firewood and I kept pace with my helper who is over 20 years younger, and he does firewood for a living. That made me feel very encouraging.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

very nice I wish you happiness

Bienvenido de nuevo, la salud es lo más importante que bueno que está mejor y ud vencio el Covit dos veces y ahora puede disfrutar de sus nietos, cuidese y publique sin estrés y tómese su tiempo.
Saludos y bendiciones

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

¡Muchas gracias!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The grow beds look great, the things we make with our hands always make us feel fulfilled, it is an indescribable satisfaction.

Congratulations on that new human being in your life, you sure have won his heart with that huge smile.

It is nice to read you and enjoy beautiful pictures, like the red rose on the cover. I hope you continue to improve and reach your optimal health conditions. I think writing in Blurt from time to time might be comforting, there is a lot of warmth around here.

Have a great day.

Translated with (free version)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

One of the reasons I wanted to change how I garden was to have more time to do woodworking. I was able to get a lot of the material I use in my project from a pallet mill. They were burning it. I have been saving what I received in my barn for several years. I have to build things based on the dimension of the lumber "scraps" I have. I bought up most of the equipment I needed before I closed down my company. Only a couple of things I would like to get. The wood should last me for years.

I had not realized how much I missed photography until I started again. If I stay with it I want to get a higher quality Macro-lens.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I can perceive in your letters all the illusion that the project with the wood causes you and how good that you have everything planned, to have material for years of work, it's wonderful!!!!
And on the other hand photography is an art and a passion for many and are very useful on platforms like our beloved Blurt. It is exciting to do what we love and it is a blessing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice to "see" you again... it has definitely been a while! Always enjoyed your beautiful flower and nature posts, back on Steemit.

Glad to hear you made it through Covid; both my wife and I had it twice and it was not a fun experience, but I will say that the second go around was much easier, so there's definitely something to the "natural immunity" thing.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes the second time I had covid was not near as bad, although I was still out of shape from last year. That one was rough and I had the intense fatigue that was the worse from January to October. Even now It hits me, but as hard. With my increase activity it is helping it to ease more and more.

Thank you in regards to comment on post.

Ohhh que complicado todo pero que bueno tenerlo de vuelta con nosotros ya todo lo demás se recuperará lo importante es tener salud ya lo demás biene solo me alegro mucho ya se le extrañaba

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

¡Gracias @helengutier2!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Manually curated by @vickyguevara

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Muchas gracias @vickyguevara!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome back and we hope to see more of your posts again... What a cute grand daughter you've got, children are a blessing to the family and we pray her presence will uplift your spirit even more. Cheers

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes the youngster is a blessing and does uplift one's spirit.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Su trabajo en fotografía es hermoso, la plantas se notan que tienen un gran cuido de su parte, me gustó la manera elevar, de verdad agradezco a Dios por permitirme ver el gran trabajo que hace en las plataformas.

Con respecto a su salud, imagino lo duro que fue pasar por esa enfermedad dos veces, pienso que usted es un sobreviviente, usted tiene madera de Roble, la familia seguro fue un apoyo fundamental en tiempo de cuarentena.

Su nieta es hermosa y espero seguir disfrutando de su trabajo.

Your work in photography is beautiful, the plants show that you have a great care on your part, I liked the elevated way, I really thank God for allowing me to see the great work you do on the platforms.

Regarding your health, I imagine how hard it was to go through that disease twice, I think you are a survivor, you have oak wood, the family sure was a fundamental support in time of quarantine.

Your granddaughter is beautiful and I hope to continue enjoying your work.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

See my above reply on getting back in shape... I tell everyone that I am moving toward elevated gro-beds, just in case I get old. I was planning for this when I hit my 80's but stated early not only to prepare but I do not have the time to keep a large garden weeded. No weeding in elevated grow beds and container gardening.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Your great-grandchild is so adorable, give my love to her...You always take great photographs of flowers. The red rose looks amazing, if I am not wrong, you used to gift this red rose to your wife, probably on her birthday :D... Love the planter boxes...

Good to have you back sir, stay safe...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you Priya. Yes the rose was a gift to my wife. I have 2 more miniature roses that have yet to bloom. They too were gifts to my wife.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from

Its good to read from you today Sir, have you back here and sound,! That's fantastic 👍

I must commend your first great grand child, he is so cute and the rose 🌺 flowers, amazing too.

Thank you very much

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice to see you again. And I am happy about your recovery from the virus.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I was 2 years behind on some of my paperwork for the in-home care work I do. Some of it was behind only a year and some 6 months. I am caught up, which helps my mental health

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Most important thing is the building our mental health..No need to have stress. You always can catch up the past thing because we have the time..And you're lucky to have a granddaughter with will also help for your mental health.

Thank you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am glad that you recovered from CoViD not once but twice so I am happy about that @r2cornell you have a strong immune system so I thank God for that.

It is very rewarding to grow some vegetables, I hope that you will produce more for your personal consumption, the raised bed is really beautiful too.

Your granddaughter is such a gem I guess that she gives you an added inspiration in life and the more reason to enjoy life. 👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you cryptopie. I love growing fresh vegetables so much I grow some indoors under light during our cold, snowy winters. Then in the spring I grow them in my greenhouse. Now it is time for outdoor growing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was wondering if you can experiment on planting Peanuts within the raised beds because their roots provide nitrogen from the nitrogen-fixing bacteria that lives in peanut's roots even though I had never done it before so you will not have to worry about fertilizers that much. 😉

Best regards to your bountiful harvest soon @r2cornell and thanks for all too.😀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am not sure peanuts would grow here given our cold nights during the summer. It is not unusual for night time temperatures being as low as 5 degrees C. I do have some green peas in grow-bags. They are also legumes and make their own Nitrogen. I will be sure and set those bags of soil aside for planting next year, and see how something new will grow.

I have been eating fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and Bok Choy from my greenhouse. They sure taste wonderful this time of year.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome back sir... Your contributions to Blurt cannot be ignored.
Blurt to the Moon!

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Dear @r2cornell accept my sincere sympathies about your health specifically the Covid-19 contraction. I am happy that it has finally given you a relief, I can imgine the isolation and psychological trauma you may have experienced...Please stay in good health. Good health is a treasure and until one gets sick, one cannot understand the value of good health. It is popularly said that health is wealth.
The sight of those flowers is awsome more so that you snapped it with your Samsung Note9. As natural as it is, it is amazing. Maybe i could try planting one myself in my country Nigeria and snap it with my SAMSUNG S8 plus too lolz🤣🤣🤣....
Your great grandchild looks happy and healthy and it appears that you are definitely a proud grandfather. Say hello to your great grandchild

Thank you very much

You welcome Sir. It is amazing how your great grandchildren will grow to meet you. And how often their perspective towards life will be different from the way you perceived life when you were their age. It reminds me of my grandmother who is the only surviving grandparent i have...The joy she feels anytime she see me..Its amazing...

Congratulations!! your post has been curated by @blurt-network


Use #blurt-network for more upvotes

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You can delegate blurt power to @blurt-network to support curation

Thank you.

Hope everyone checks out this @blurt-network. As a newly started program they can use out assistance.

I'm so glad that you have passed through the worst in these trying times to feel able to return to blogging. I believe (perhaps more than you're aware) that you are one of the foundations and inspirations here at Blurt. Your heart and generosity for those with less gives others, especially those who are malevolent, reason to pause in their normal routines and give listen to the words you share.

I'll always be grateful for your being the inspiration for myself coming to Blurt. I was done with Hive and the sometimes mean spirited ways some of the powerful folks there demand be normal. During my power down (I was done with the whole crypt social experiment) it was only through a chance encounter with one of your comments that led me here. Your testimony on how it was different here. On how there was a spirit of helpfulness and positivity.

Lately we have had one of the Hive whales coming here badmouthing the entire Blurt experience. Especially the low valuation and trading levels daily. What he fails to understand is the social part of this experiment. The one that places as much or more value on human dignity and caring. It doesn't dawn on him and many others that such a foundation is sought after in this cold world where so many solely focus on immediate gains and profits. Which we all want to be sure, but to gain such in a way that respects and builds up is a sadly diminishing structure in this world we find ourselves in today.

Sorry so long winded. I just wanted you to know I have a lot of thanks for the way you cultivate positive results in those you pass by. I believe (far) to many allow such thanks to go unspoken, sadly leaving many who take up their brothers and sisters burdens for a moment to give a hand up to feel at times taken for granted.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am humbled with your kind words. In life we sometimes are not aware of the impact we may have on others, in such subtle ways; many times without ever knowing it. Such is life.

Yes, I am aware of the whale from Hive that has been causing problems here on Blurt. I commented once, and his response was tempered. I have ignored the rest of what he tries to stir up. Sometimes we give the other person more power when we go back and forth with comments and replies. It is best to keep the power to ourselves and ignore the other. There are many more important things to do on Blurt than to give encouragement to those who try to as he is doing.

Again, thank you for your kind words. I feel it is time to publish here. Maybe not as prolific as some. But I have missed the process and have ponder on returning but did not have the energy or time to do so.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Es verdaderamente armónico tu cultivo de flores expuestas en tu galería de fotografías e interesante tu construcción de cama de cultivo para la cosecha de tomates.

Muchas veces, con los acelerados avances tecnológicos en la postmodernidad, olvidamos por completo la importancia de construir algún sistema que permita el autosustento.

Disfruta al máximo los momentos que vivas con tu nieta y demás seres queridos.

Saludos coordiales


It is truly harmonious your cultivation of flowers exposed in your photo gallery and interesting your construction of growing bed for harvesting tomatoes.

Many times, with the accelerated technological advances in post-modernity, we completely forget the importance of building a system that allows for self-sustainability.

Make the most of the moments you spend with your granddaughter and other loved ones.

Best regards.

Thank you very much.

Muchas gracias.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome back... it's good to have u back

Thank you.

We are glad to have you back @r2cornell
Thank you for sharing such great content!
Use #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from usBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

Thank you!

I'm glad because your health has improved...

Welcome back. Beautiful your great granddaughter and all the flowers you show us.


Me alegro porque ha mejorado su salud...

Bienvenido de vuelta. Hermosa su bisnieta y todas las flores que nos muestra.

Saludos. 🙋😁🙏


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to the club!

Hello and good day.
I too am already in my mid-60s.
And of course, I have also been sick with Covid lately.
I hope that you are doing well again.
I am still suffering from the afterpains - but it is bearable.
I myself unfortunately got into Blurt - Hive etc much too late.
But also believe that cryptos will climb again - also for you and your pension.
I wish you still a good recovery and a nice day.

the Filosof

Translated with (free version)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for commenting on my post. Most of my symptoms have finally left, leaving me physically out of shape. I still of days when I am a little more fatigued, although that may be due to being out of shape.

I do not believe you can ever be late starting on Blurt. Actually Blurt's current value is low, compared to its highs. The same can be said of the other platforms. Blurt's price was initially brought down by some users dumping millions. Now the whole crypto market is down, which I believe is impacting Blurt. It may be a very good time to accumulate through earnings, or maybe even buy. You soon will have some delegations expiring which will give you more voting power for curating other's work.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also expect prices to climb again.
Continued good health and success.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Do vote @Blurt.Live as your Witness

Posted from
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good to have you post again . I hope this sustains for a long time .
Welcome back

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome back to the Blurt!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are most welcome!

It's so good to see you back posting again keep up the great work you are doing

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much.

My pleasure keep up the great work