in r2cornell •  3 years ago 


Author: @r2cornell


I know I have not been myself of late. I continue to ignore the drama that has been going on, and the resulting drop in Blurts exchange rate. I may not be ready to sell, but it was a big part of the drop in my retirement investments this year. Paper losses can recover, but at my current age there is less time to recover. My hopes are to continue the curation projects on into retirement and then being able to withdraw some earnings to supplement retirement, yet continue the curation project. Then keeping my BP at a constant level when it is time to draw of some earnings. I just have to keep my mind focused on where I am going, and staying out of the drama.

Sé que no he sido yo mismo últimamente. Sigo ignorando el drama que se ha producido, y la consiguiente caída del tipo de cambio de Blurts. Puede que no esté listo para vender, pero fue una gran parte de la caída de mis inversiones de jubilación este año. Las pérdidas de papel pueden recuperarse, pero a mi edad actual hay menos tiempo para recuperarse. Mis esperanzas son continuar con los proyectos de curación hasta la jubilación y luego poder retirar algunas ganancias para complementar la jubilación, pero continuar con el proyecto de curación. Entonces, mantener mi Poder de Voto en un nivel constante cuando sea el momento de retirar algunas ganancias. Sólo tengo que mantener mi mente centrada en el lugar al que me dirijo, y mantenerme al margen del drama.

One of the reasons given for the current fee hikes is to fight spam and vote farming. I and my curators watch for this and not curate anything that looks suspicious. I can find vote farmers by checking their wallets and watch the money flow. Many times by doing this I end up finding the main user who is getting all the funds. Any of us can and should be vigilant in monitoring for this. I have muted many users on all the platforms. Sometimes the group is large. Another tipoff is when you see almost exactly the same posts in the different accounts.

Una de las razones que se han dado para la actual subida de tasas es la de luchar contra el spam y el cultivo de votos. Yo y mis curators estamos atentos a esto y no comisariamos nada que parezca sospechoso. Puedo encontrar a los "agricultores" de votos, comprobando sus carteras, y observar el flujo de dinero. Muchas veces haciendo esto termino encontrando al usuario principal que está recibiendo todos los fondos. Cualquiera de nosotros puede y debe estar atento para vigilar esto. He silenciado a muchos usuarios en todas las plataformas. A veces el grupo es grande. Otra pista es cuando ves casi exactamente las mismas publicaciones, o muy similares, en las diferentes cuentas.

Now Spam can get a little trickier. There are some who will post a photograph and almost no narrative. Some of the time they use photos from elsewhere and may or may not give credit for the photo, so it looks like they are claiming it as their own (plagiarism). The tricky part is when it looks like a new user and they post a single photograph and few words. In the event it looks like a new person I will take the time and explain that their post will not be curated because they need to have more of a write-up and even indicate what camera they used to take the photo. In the event the person continues without trying to improve the quality of their posts I then mute them and block them from the R2cornell Discord Community. We all must make sure what we are voting on. By voting for junk posts we hurt ourselves in the long run.

Ahora el spam puede ser un poco más complicado. Hay algunos que publican una fotografía y casi ninguna narración. Algunas veces utilizan fotos de otros sitios y pueden o no dar crédito por la foto, por lo que parece que la están reclamando como propia (plagio). La parte complicada es cuando parece un nuevo usuario y publica una sola fotografía y pocas palabras. En el caso de que parezca que es una persona nueva, me tomaré el tiempo y explicaré que su publicación no será curada porque necesita tener más de un escrito, e incluso indicar qué cámara utilizó para tomar la foto. En caso de que la persona continúe sin intentar mejorar la calidad de sus publicaciones, la silenciaré y la bloquearé de la comunidad de discordia de R2cornell. Todos debemos asegurarnos de lo que estamos votando. Si votamos por posts basura nos perjudicamos a la larga.

I have one such person who keeps sending me messages because his posts are not being curated. I keep explaining that he needs more description in his post, and that a single photo or two can be considered SPAM. There are usually no narrative or only a few sentences. He just will not seem to listen. I try to keep it basic, and he has not changed and is not earning anything. I call it junk posts. Others have a more derogatory term for it.

Hay una persona que no para de enviarme mensajes porque sus posts no son seleccionados. Le sigo explicando que necesita más descripción en sus publicaciones y que una o dos fotos pueden considerarse SPAM. Por lo general, no hay narración o sólo unas pocas frases. Parece que no me escucha. Trato de mantener lo básico, y él no ha cambiado y no está ganando nada. Yo lo llamo posts basura. Otros tienen un término más despectivo para ello.

There has always been issues with users with multiple accounts. I have multiple accounts. It is a matter of how the accounts are used, and if you are trying to hide the fact it is a duplicate account. I make it very clear which accounts are mine and do not hide anything. Some use them for voting only on their own accounts, no matter how junky the posts are. In their wallets at times you will see where they transfer Blurt between their own accounts. Some of the time there will be many accounts involved. There may be more than one person involved. Looking at each account's wallet can lead you to the main account, who eventually gets most of the tokens. You have now entered vote farming universe. These users and their multiple accounts need to be muted, because they are hurting Blurt and thus us as users.

Siempre ha habido problemas con los usuarios que tienen varias cuentas. Yo tengo varias cuentas. Es una cuestión de cómo se utilizan las cuentas, y si se intenta ocultar el hecho de que es una cuenta duplicada. Yo dejo muy claro cuáles son mis cuentas y no oculto nada. Algunos las usan para votar sólo en sus propias cuentas, sin importar que los mensajes sean basura. En sus carteras a veces verás donde transfieren Blurt entre sus propias cuentas. Algunas veces habrá muchas cuentas involucradas. Puede haber más de una persona involucrada. Mirar la cartera de cada cuenta puede llevarte a la cuenta principal, que finalmente obtiene la mayoría de los tokens. Estos usuarios y sus múltiples cuentas necesitan ser silenciados, porque están dañando a Blurt y por lo tanto a nosotros como usuarios.

I know somewhere on Blurt you should be able to find posts that can give you a clearer picture of these abuses. Maybe one of you can share a link in a comment if you know of such a post. Now, DO NOT share other kinds of links in the comment section or you will be muted and get no vote. We just need to share information and ideas to combat some of these scammers. I want to see Blurt around long into my retirement. We can do this if we all do our part.

Sé que en algún lugar de Blurt deberíais poder encontrar posts que os den una idea más clara de estos abusos. Tal vez alguno de ustedes pueda compartir un enlace en un comentario si sabe de tal post. Ahora, NO compartas otro tipo de enlaces en la sección de comentarios o serás silenciado y no recibirás ningún voto. Sólo necesitamos compartir información e ideas para combatir a algunos de estos estafadores. Quiero que Blurt siga existiendo hasta mi jubilación. Podemos hacerlo si todos ponemos de nuestra parte.

The final word in this realm is that we all have a part to play and working on improving our posts constantly. The more high quality posts the stronger the Blurt platform can become. Nice thing about being around the three platforms for over 5 years is that I have watched many users steadily improve in their work. Unfortunately at times they go unnoticed, yet they keep giving it a 100%. That should be all our aims. In the event we stop trying to improve we become stagnant. I found it interesting that over the years I have watched users model my work; be it in my personal postings or in our curation project. Then they take what they are doing to another level. I have seen this in the posts that get highlighted in our curation reports. I see it in their formatting/layout of their posts, and even in their photography. I have seen some phenomenal photography and have had doubts if mine is as good as theirs. So read as many quality posts as you can and see what others are offering in Blurt.

La última palabra en este ámbito es que todos tenemos un papel que desempeñar y trabajar para mejorar nuestros posts constantemente. Cuantos más posts de alta calidad haya, más fuerte será la plataforma Blurt. Lo bueno de estar en las tres plataformas durante más de 5 años es que he visto a muchos usuarios mejorar constantemente en su trabajo. Lamentablemente a veces pasan desapercibidos, pero siguen dando el 100%. Ese debería ser el objetivo de todos nosotros. En el caso de que dejemos de intentar mejorar nos quedamos estancados. Me ha parecido interesante que a lo largo de los años he observado cómo los usuarios modelan mi trabajo; ya sea en mis publicaciones personales o en nuestro proyecto de curación. Luego llevan lo que están haciendo a otro nivel. Lo he visto en las publicaciones que se destacan en nuestros informes de selección. Lo veo en el formato y la disposición de sus publicaciones, e incluso en sus fotografías. He visto algunas fotografías fenomenales, y he dudado si las mías son tan buenas como las suyas. Así que lee todos los posts de calidad que puedas y mira lo que otros ofrecen en Blurt.

In the event you have read everything thus far that I have written, good for you. I appreciate it. Now let us enjoy some photographs to ease our eye strain.

En el caso de que hayas leído todo lo que he escrito hasta ahora, bien por ti. Se lo agradezco. Ahora disfrutemos de algunas fotografías para aliviar la fatiga ocular.

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Here is another view of the rose above. This a miniature rose that I bought my wife a few years ago. I grow it in a container. It is one of several flowers that when the cold weather arrives in the fall I bring it indoors (into my garage) and let it go dormant, until the daylight hours begin the change in February. I keep it in a north window in the garage. It then begins to grow slowly. I sometimes set it out on warm and sunny days in the spring, but bring it in at night to protect it from freezes. My macro-lens makes the bloom look larger than it is, and allows us to see its full beauty.

Aquí hay otra vista de la rosa de arriba. Esta es una rosa miniatura que le compré a mi esposa hace unos años. La cultivo en una maceta. Es una de las muchas flores que, cuando llega el frío en otoño, llevo al interior (a mi garaje) y dejo que entre en reposo, hasta que las horas de luz empiezan a cambiar en febrero. La mantengo en una ventana norte del garaje. Entonces comienza a crecer lentamente. A veces la pongo fuera en los días cálidos y soleados de la primavera, pero la meto dentro por la noche para protegerla de las heladas. Mi objetivo macro hace que la flor parezca más grande de lo que es, y nos permite ver toda su belleza.


There are a few flowers that I have known since childhood that seem to announce the coming of summer where I live. The following photo is a Lilac, which is one of those flowers, along with Peony and roses. I am allergic to the scent of many flowers, including the common lilac. I still smell the blooms as they begin giving off their wonderful scent. I get headaches, but to me it is worth it and it brings back memories of my childhood. It also give me time to reflect on nature's beauty

Hay unas cuantas flores que conozco desde la infancia y que parecen anunciar la llegada del verano donde vivo. La siguiente foto es una lila, que es una de esas flores, junto con la peonía y las rosas. Soy alérgico al olor de muchas flores, incluida la lila común. Todavía huelo las flores cuando empiezan a desprender su maravilloso aroma. Me duele la cabeza, pero para mí vale la pena y me trae recuerdos de mi infancia. ambién me da tiempo para reflexionar sobre la belleza de la naturaleza.


My next photograph is one of my double Peonies. This is another flower that brings back memories of summers in my childhood. It too reminds me of the beginning of summer. This year many flowers, including my peony bushes are blooming around 3 weeks late. This seems to be due to cold spring months we had this year. I have several varieties which bloom at different times. This is one of the prettiest I grow. To be honest, I would probably say that about all the varieties of peonies. They all have some unique qualities.

Mi siguiente fotografía es una de mis Peonías dobles. Esta es otra flor que me trae recuerdos de los veranos de mi infancia. También me recuerda el comienzo del verano. Este año muchas flores, incluidas mis peonías, están floreciendo con unas 3 semanas de retraso. Parece que esto se debe a los meses fríos de primavera que hemos tenido este año. Tengo varias variedades que florecen en diferentes momentos. Esta es una de las más bonitas que cultivo. Para ser honesto, probablemente diría eso de todas las variedades de peonías. Todas tienen cualidades únicas.


Here is another of my double peonies. Now is this prettier than the one of above? I see such unique qualities in each and every one of them. I have no favorite between the different peonies. Because all flowers have their own uniqueness, I have never found that I have a favorite flower, let alone a favorite amongst the same variety of flower.

Aquí está otra de mis peonías dobles. ¿Esta es más bonita que la de arriba? Veo cualidades únicas en todas y cada una de ellas. No tengo ninguna favorita entre las diferentes peonías. Como todas las flores tienen su propia singularidad, nunca he encontrado que tenga una flor favorita, y mucho menos una favorita entre la misma variedad de flor.


My final photograph are blooms from a Hawthorne tree. Since I lived in my present home I keep nursing this one back to good health. I thought I lost this tree a few times. Last year I had someone doing some work for me and he took it upon himself to work on this tree. He has been trained as an arborist. Its abundance of blooms this year have been wonderful, and hopefully is a sign of a long life ahead for the tree.

Mi última fotografía son las flores de un árbol de Hawthorne. Desde que vivo en mi casa actual, sigo cuidando de este árbol para que vuelva a gozar de buena salud. Pensé que había perdido este árbol varias veces. El año pasado tuve a alguien haciendo un trabajo para mí y se encargó de trabajar en este árbol. Ha recibido formación como arborista. Su abundancia de flores este año ha sido maravillosa, y espero que sea señal de una larga vida por delante para el árbol.


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This brings us to the end of this publication. I believe I have my mind refocused to publishing my words (opinions) and my photographs. I trust you will find something in it that you enjoy. In my photography I try to bring out hidden beauty that many miss, and share the wonder I experience when I see a flower.

Esto nos lleva al final de esta publicación. Creo que he vuelto a centrar mi mente en la publicación de mis palabras (opiniones) y mis fotografías. Confío en que encuentren en ella algo que les guste. En mi fotografía intento sacar a la luz la belleza oculta que muchos pasan por alto, y compartir la maravilla que experimento cuando veo una flor.

I normally use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon digital camera that I use from time to time. I do take some photographs with my Samsung Note 9 smart phone and include them from time to time. The only editing I do on my photographs is some cropping to center the photo, or to bring it closer to the viewer.

Normalmente utilizo una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto cuando se indica. Tengo una cámara digital PowerShot Canon más antigua que utilizo de vez en cuando. También tomo algunas fotografías con mi teléfono inteligente Samsung Note 9 y las incluyo de vez en cuando. La única edición que hago en mis fotografías es algún recorte para centrar la foto, o para acercarla al espectador.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

These are nice sir

Also if you found some more suspicious accounts, you can let us know and we will update coal.

Sometimes we get busy ( and more with dramas) and not able to find accounts . But all accounts do have a same pattern of posting very low quality or same content.

I also hope and pray for blurt to recover so you can, have a nice retirement fund as well keep on the curation going.

I will also see if promoted list can be added to blurt official frontend, so curators can whitelist users. It will help you as well others.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. Whitelisting users sounds interesting and more positive for Blurt than some of what has been transpired. When I first began on these platforms I felt I found an excellent way to stay active and share my hobby of taking flower photographs. I have shared some of my woodworking projects in the past, but have had little time for it. I am currently getting things set up and organized for projects, but for now I am happy to be back taking flower photos and sharing those and my thoughts. Because I work 15 or more hours a day I work on my blog post all week. I will begin another later today

I have not felt panicked with the downturn in crypto, including Blurt. I felt the same way after the big run up in 2017/2018 and the gradual slide that came afterwards. Let us hope. For now I will continue as I have, and rebuild.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We will all love flowers, respect flowers, never disrespect flowers, the beauty of the flower tree is not the beauty of the flower, so we will always show love to the flower from afar. thank you for sharing nice picture

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I like to think that the flowers are a reflection
of our inner selves.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes sir @r2cornell

Some people insist on demanding votes but don't care about improving their posts, I talked about that in my last post.

I love the double peony flower, it is very tender.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The peony bloom is a wonder. I have 5 or 6 plants and as they bloom I am always amazed at their beauty, and yes they have a tender quality to them.

And yes, you as well as myself, have experienced those who send us links and are demanding us to vote on their posts. It is as though they feel they are entitled to have their publication curator, no matter the quality. That we should put them before anyone else, no matter the quality. I can only assume that many curators experience this. No one should even send a private message on Discord to have their posts curated. For the most part I now ignore them. Those that do work for me are an exception to the rule. The rest just should not happen. I they are persistent and I send that there is an attempt to manipulate me I will delete the message, mute them from our accounts, and even block them from the community.

La floración de las peonías es una maravilla. Tengo 5 o 6 plantas y cuando florecen siempre me asombra su belleza, y sí, tienen una cualidad tierna.

Y sí, tanto tú como yo, hemos experimentado a aquellos que nos envían enlaces y nos exigen que votemos sus posts. Es como si se sintieran con derecho a tener su publicación comisariada, sin importar la calidad. Que debemos anteponerlos a cualquier otro, sin importar la calidad. Sólo puedo suponer que muchos curadores experimentan esto. Nadie debería ni siquiera enviar un mensaje privado en Discord para que sus publicaciones sean curadas. En su mayor parte, ahora los ignoro. Los que sí trabajan para mí son una excepción a la regla. El resto simplemente no debería ocurrir. Si son persistentes y veo que hay un intento de manipularme, borraré el mensaje, los silenciaré de nuestras cuentas e incluso los bloquearé de la comunidad.

Yeah lately I've blocked some on my personal discord.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This platform is already infiltrated with spammers and you already identified their way of work with one photo and a hastily written texts and then using the introducemyself tag and then rinse and repeat and then switched to another new account.

These introductory posts in my opinion should be tried first by letting stay for a while to see and prove if they are a real person so that the vote will not be wasted that should have gone to a more worth real individual that is trying to start their journey in this platform.

By the way I haven't seen such flowers except the rose, we only have a limited variety of flowers here in my country because they are cultivated in cold areas up in the mountain regions where the flower farms are but not these beautiful flowers that you had shown @r2cornell 👍

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We all have to be n the lookout for spammers and vote farmers and do not waste our votes or time on those that are not going to try to do anything of quality. I have only recently been aware of the misuse of the introduction tag. I had more problems on Steemit and later hive with spammers, although I learned to catch on quicker now when I see someone suspicious.

I have many photos that are more common to the northern USA, and some more common to the Northwest USA.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Leer cada uno de los párrafos que usted escribe, las repito una y mil veces para asimilarlo, entenderlo y hacerlo parte de mi, para que mis publicaciones estén a la altura del compromiso, al igual que las fotos he tratado de mejorar aprendiendo de usted, se que todo inicio es difícil pero usted con sabias palabras enseña y orienta, ojalá se unan más personas a proporcionar publicaciones de calidad para que juntos le demos más más a blurt

Reading each of the paragraphs you write, I repeat them a thousand times to assimilate it, understand it and make it part of me, so that my publications are up to the commitment, like the photos I have tried to improve by learning from you, I know that every start is difficult but you teach and guide with wise words, hopefully more people will join to provide quality publications so that together we give more to blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am glad you are able to improv e on your own work, which I believe you continue to do so.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Claro que sí pienso que cada día nos debemos superar esa es parte de la vida
Of course I think that every day we must improve ourselves, that's part of life.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi,@r2cornell,I hope you are fine and your team also fine.
You collect a very beautiful different flowers, your work is very fantastic.
I hope you continue shearing your thoughts and experience with all Blurt family and friends.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. Some times the words flow and I write a lot, but always I have photographs to share.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is somehow our responsibility to keep the platform clean from the farmers, abusers, and spammers. It's very easy to identify them if an individual pays attention to the account.

Lately, I have fallen in love with lilac, they are very pretty and beautiful. I never knew the name called double peonies, I saw them in Ukraine a lot. They have very special characteristics and look good at home and in the garden. I remember my first flower purchase from the street shop was these double peonies. Love them a lot...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. Peonies are great in a vase indoors. I enjoy the single peony I have, but these doubles are fabulous.

Hello @r2cornell
Thank you for sharing such great content!
Use #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from usBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

As I always use my personal phone to take photos I never felt the need to write on each post what have I used to capture those images. Is this really a must do?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You could use a short statement that you could copy and paste into each post. It would encompass all your photos if you are using only your phone. Some of my curators look for what kind of camera was used. In part it is to weed out those who find a photo online and claim as their own.

You have an excellent talent to take suitable photos. You also explain why you have clicked any pic. That's the way, I appreciate it more.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

These are extraordinary pretty flowers @r2cornell

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much. I have another rose for next weekend's post. I have plenty of photos to hold me over until I make a trip to the local Botanical garden.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow this is very good post. I love your post.