We're a people!

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 
Do you guys realise that Jesus took the risk of community? Hey, hold up, I'll explain.

We are in a time when people don't like people. We constantly use the excuse of loving our personal space to keep people away. We hide behind our phones and have mastered the art of plugging our ears because it sends out a “keep of” message. See ehnn, I get it because I'm on this table.


I don't blame anybody because keeping up with humans is hard! I mean, you gotta love them, be patient and kind to them even when they don't deserve it. We've been commanded that we should be at peace with them as much as lies within us. Put them before us. Like, WHAT?! Have you met human beings? That's like CRAZY stuff mehn.

So, I get it. I understand why you avoid community. Community involves people. And sometimes there's an innate need to protect yourself against people because even the scripture tells us that the heart of man is desperately wicked.

Unfortunately, we can't do life without community. We can't do life alone, we need people. For believers, being in a community and interacting with other people is a command. The kingdom business is that of people and you touch the heart of God when you love on them.

Humanly, loving on them humans is hard. Fortunately, we are not without an example and we are not without help. If there's anybody in the world who had an excuse to say “I really don't need anybody,” it was the one who created everybody but Jesus himself lived his life in community.

Jesus is God but he knew that on earth he needed people and community to fulfil purpose. He knew that someone was going to betray him but he took the risk of community and sent out friend requests. I know that betrayal was part of his process and he knew, but I'm sure he was still hurt. He was fully human and he felt deeply the pain and frustrations that came with relating with people, but he persevered and stayed in community to show us how it's done. And he didn't leave us without help. The Holy Spirit is here to help us live with other people.

Finally, while reading this, if you were thinking about everyone around you, I just want to tell you that YOU IS PEOPLE, PEOPLE IS YOU. Like Jonathan McReynolds said in his song People, “Forgive me when I'm one of those people."

Good day, people.

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