in r2cornell •  2 years ago 
There are basically two sides to the kind of people existing on the surface. There's one side - the people who hide under the guise of 'humility', howbeit false, to stay in dangerously safe, and refuse to lean in to their divine mandates upon the earth.


Some of these people think it's fear, but actually, it's pride.

They are too proud to risk doing anything outside their sphere of control and known abilities, lest they fail and their name be soiled.

They can't dare.
They have to connect the dots and see the every step.

This is one side to it.

Then there's the other side - the ones who claim to be shining their light, but it's only a camouflage for their insecurities.

The need to be seen - The need to be relevant by human standards - The need to be perceived as worth something.

Their so called light is flawed and hence blinding.
People don't see Jesus through them. The very Jesus they claim to profess. And honestly, it doesn't long as people see them. Them in all their 'fleshly' glory.

Both sides have an element of pride to it - Either as self preservation or self idolatry.

So if neither side is good, where do we need to be?

The tension.

We need to be discerning. We must know when to DO and when to BE. We must know when to show up and when to retreat. We must sieve our motives.

Why am I posting this? Or why am I not?

What is the motive? Who is exalted through this act?

And truly, the one who understands the tension, is the one who seeks the heart of the father. Nothing else.

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