If there is a god why so much suffering?

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 


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Talking about divinity is speaking faith. Faith is a belief that is believed with all the heart, soul and body and is said with the tongue that a person fully believes in the god he believes in. God is the owner of everything that exists, without exception. If we believe in God, it means we also believe that this life has conditions where we feel good or bad.

If you are a Muslim, we understand that God is the only one who is free to do as he pleases. Even Islam forbids to ask every act of God. But ask ourselves whether we have lived life according to the rules that God has set?

Raising the theme of the post about a question "If there is a god, why do humans experience so much suffering?"

Answering that question, we first look at a verse from the Qur'an:

"All damage on earth, both on land and sea is the result of human actions. (Surah Ar-Rum verse: 41).

So here we can understand that, all the suffering we experience is the fruit of our own actions. If we understand further, we will find that this statement is true.
One example, why the flood? The answer is because trees have been reduced due to illegal logging so that the absorption of rainwater is thinning and causing flooding.


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I will ask you some simple questions. Why can a smoker's lungs rot? Why do some people die from drug overdose? Why would someone be arrested by the police? And bla-bla...

Of course you have all the answers to some of my questions right? Likewise with the suffering you experience, it is the result of your own doing. You don't live life by the right rules, you are god, but ignore them. Will the boss at your office care and raise your position if you often skip work? Or will he even dismiss you dishonorably? Then who is the cause of the suffering?

Examining problems like this, in the world of philosophy is called "Theodicy". The term was coined in 1710 by the German philosopher, Gotfried von Leibniz, in a French work. The aim of the essay is to show that the evil in the world that gives birth to suffering does not contradict the goodness of God. Despite the many crimes, the world remains in the most beautiful and joyful state, he said.


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The problem of crime was inspired by the philosopher from the Hellenistic era, namely Epicurus, who expressed it as follows.

“Would God be willing, but unable to eliminate evil? It means that God is not omnipotent. Is God able, but unwilling to eliminate evil? It means that God is not Most Merciful or Most Good. If God is able and willing to eliminate evil, why is there still evil? Or if God is unable and unwilling to eliminate evil, why is it still called God?”

To show that the evil in the world that gives birth to suffering does not contradict the goodness of God, Leibniz assumes that God would not have created a perfect world because He alone is perfect. Meanwhile, what Allah created is "the best possible world".

This world is already suitable for humans, it is already proportionate and more or less than this is no longer good. For him, nothing is truly evil, everything has a reason. There is always a wisdom behind everything that happens in this world that makes us even better in the future.


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Islam teaches that whoever is patient and grateful for whatever God gives, more goodness will be added than what he is grateful for. And if he despairs and is angry with what God has given him, then he is one of the wretched people. How beautiful is the way Islam regulates the order of human life, but often we destroy all of it ourselves.

Stop complaining about what is going on, introspection is the best key. Fix your relationship with God, God will fix your life. Having good faith in God is a classy act, because what you think is bad is sometimes better for you.

"It may be that you hate something, even though it is very good for you, and it may be that you like something, even though it is very bad for you; Allah knows, you don't know. (Surat al-Baqarah (2): 216)."

©2022 copyright: original post

About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. .
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. I think I will take advantage of technological advances such as Blockchain and Cryptocurency to be able to help others. And this is my goal, because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.

Best regards, @poemssteem

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