Tell me why you ❤️ Blurt and win 1000 BLURT!!!

in r2cornell •  last year  (edited)

Inspired by my Blurt witness from another mother @world-travel-pro's incentive, I have decided to do a little contest of my own!

Visit WTP's delegation incentive here:

I would like YOU to tell me why you love Blurt in the comments!

I will choose the best comment after the 7 day payout retention.
I'm looking forward to your comments!

Every comment gets a 100% upvote from me!

The winner recieves 1000 BLURT!

Please take a moment to vote for my witness!
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! 🗳️

i love blurt.jpg

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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I love Blurt because it's not full of satanic freaks that get off on controlling others via a down-vote system like on; the most creepy and corrupt blockchain on the internet!

Great contest bro...make sure to give the 1000 to someone else ;)

  ·  last year  ·  

Haha, speaking of satanic control freaks... something weird happened to my latest Hive post!
Grayed out and censored, but no downvotes... what the hell?
Glad nothing like that is happening here on Blurt!

I took a look... I think that's the Deep Dive community that zeroed the post...??

That's funny. The "deep dive" community. You mean the ministry of truth, only on HIVE! lol

More reason to sell all your hive and join

  ·  last year  ·  

A bit scary how extra-judicial it is. No warning, no reasoning, no right to defend yourself... just censored! That's some of the most blatant FaceBook-like fuckery I've ever seen on a blockchain. Supposedly decentralized and censorship-resistant? LOL!

It's time to promote the shit out of blurt over there....again. I do believe. ;) lol

  ·  last year  ·  

Balls of iron right here! : D

I am proud to call 0 HIVE my own!!!! 😂😜

  ·  last year  ·  

It's not zeroed, that's the thing! It's just grayed out and hidden.
If so, that's pretty nasty! I've contributed a lot of good information to their tag/community.
They don't even let you know, they just censor you and let you wonder what happened?
Anyone with a brain and some integrity who sees that should be running screaming from that platform! It has been taken over by asshole tyrants who can't handle the truth.

  ·  last year  ·  

Well, from what I can tell, the content, while original, is not exclusive to Hive, hence the silence.

Many people on Hive are very sensitive if they read the word Blurt in an article in their community. Things that only happen in life and on TNT, lol.

  ·  last year  ·  

So they feel threatened by other platforms? Interesting...
I have seen that happen before, in the early 2000s with a big gaming card forum I was running. The competing forum would ban the mention of our site... which only made people curious to check it out, and upset at the censorship... it ultimately backfired and they collapsed. ;D

  ·  last year  ·  

That is the path they are taking, in my opinion, and it would be a matter of time to see the outcome.

  ·  last year  ·  

It does seem that way, my friend. We are building a base here at Blurt, a place with solid foundations that many others will benefit from as their blockchain of sand comes crumbling down.

  ·  last year  ·  

I totally agree with you. We will see how little by little it is losing ground, and those who live there will, undoubtedly, they diversify with us when they understand that the growth in Blurt is more exponential.

  ·  last year  ·  

I love blurt for the following several reasons.

  1. No downvotes or flag
  2. Short power down period in 4 weeks instead of 13 weeks
  3. On blurt there are many whales who are dedicated to the development of blurt, surpport and upvote quality content, from which minnows can benefit and grow gradually
  4. On blurt you could find moving and interesting stories, and you could meet wonderful people from whom you may learn a lot.

    Posted from

Beautiful buddy! 😍

The reason why I love blurt is; the curation are always active. Even I missed a post in a day they never forget to upvote my humble post. Sir @outofthematrix was a cool and handsome curator. @blurttribe too they even gifted my son 100blurt as a gift & their contest was awesome I had again extra blurts.
My first days here I don't what to do with my 10blurt that was so hard to budget LoL 😂😅 until nanay @olivia08 came and help me with a 10k blurt delegation and she even lend me 100 blurt so I can hang around to this wonderful community.
Im still a baby here in blurt need to read more blurt post to grow, but still I want to extend my thank you to everyone. To all my supporters, readers, upvoters & to all the wonderful comments thank you so much. You know who you are. 🖤💖

What a lovely comment! 🙏😍

Thank you so much sir 🙏💖

  ·  last year  ·  
The Blurt blockchain social media community is one of the friendliest place for the reason that it doesn't have much toxic people that can hurt on what you are building and can dehumanize you in many forms and types.

I guess that the inability to downvote had solved that issue, the high stake angry whales had became powerless in destroying accounts here. @outofthematrix

Plus, the value of BLURT token is following the price valuation of Bitcoin which is one of the things that makes me more happy about Blurt and makes me get to be inspired to see the light of another day.👍

Posted from

Thanks buddy! Love your comment! ❤️

  ·  last year  ·  

Blurt was a fresh community for me (thanks to clixmoney) that I was aware of 1 year ago. In fact, I didn't even know enough about blockchain, I was just a newbie spending my time on hive and

One day I criticized the downvote button in a fiction story I was writing on hive, I think in just two sentences!

As someone who had never met the downvote button until that day, when I woke up in the morning, I woke up to a much longer counter-criticism than the post I had published. It was strange to receive such a long response to the post I had written for fun!

The summary of the post; don't you like hive? There's the door, get out! And right after that, I received a minus vote.

No matter what you write on Blurt, no one shows you the door. When you share your ideas, you are not marginalized, targeted and stoned by anyone.

That's why I love Blurt, even though I'm still a newbie, I'm as comfortable as talking to my family and I know that I won't be judged!

That's why blurt is the best there is today and my one-stop shop.

Posted from

That was the day, that you met the Hive downvote cabal... 😜😂

I believe that comments are the best way to interact between the users of a platform, beyond the monetary value of the votes.

Apart from each comment, if it is well done, it adds a plus to the content, to improve and/or correct it.

I think the comments on #Blurt are objective as much as we can or agree with them since they are not influenced by the large witnesses or characters who aspire to be behind them all day as it happens on other platforms.

Greetings @ outofthematrix.

Posted from

Thanks for your comment! 🙏🍀

  ·  last year  ·  

I have several reasons why I love this platform, without trying to discredit the others.

The first thing is that there is no possibility that, through the negative vote, they will take away the rewards of the publications of the whole week, something very common in those parts.

The second is the easy access to the founders and the Blurt team, with whom I have often found the advice I needed at the right time, and this is something invaluable on a platform.

The third thing is how easy it is for a person, without knowing much about technology, to learn a lot about how everything works. In this sense, Blurt and its people have been a school for me, since I have learned everything, it even motivated me to study some programming to be able to participate in the conversations of the developers that exist in Blurt and why not, Contribute and develop ideas in order to promote good proposals for everyone.

Last but not least is the ease of growing in Blurt. In my opinion, there is no ceiling that prevents me from growing as far as I want. So, we have a great advantage over the other unmatched chains.

Great comment buddy! 🙏🍀

  ·  last year  ·  

Short and straight:
I love blurt because;

  1. True Freedom of speech is here - In the other chain, you'll be flagged if you're better than them.
  2. NO Downvote - I think this is a big plus to be here in BLURT.
  3. Powerdown for 4weeks - That is fast

And awesome contents that you can always check on @drutter for covid19 vax eye opener, @bring for real life/culture story, @cryptopie on his inspirational contents and a lot of others but these three are first on my list when reading blurt contents. If I open their post, I would read it from top to bottom, that lessen my stress and anxiety.


  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for mentioning me and giving me much encourgement.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

You're much welcome, we have some similarities in culture, it's easy for me to relate. I thank you for sharing with us.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Yes, there are many Chinese in your country, and we share more common things. Good day to you.

Posted from

Great comment! 😍

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you for this.. Let's rock #blurt!

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

For me, no downvotes is the biggest reason I <3 Blurt...
But there are many others!

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes, that really is the main reason! Up till now, you're the winner of 1000 BLURTS! 😜

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks mate!
Make sure to give the 1000 to another entry... I just wanted to give my 2 cents : D

Will do buddy! 🙏

  ·  last year  ·  

This is so kind of you @ drutter. Thanks for being so generous.

There are lots of things that makes me to love blurt than other platform.

  1. No down vote/ flagging of post

  2. Paying fee for each transaction done here, which one way or the other help in reducing people posting long senseless information. Before you post or comment you think about the cost first. Smile

  3. Community support I have seen how whale's here support newbies to have a better ground for posting and also to get good vote for crafting out quality content.

  4. No vote farming, from what I have observed I haven't seen whale's here posting rubbish just to vote their post and gather up blurt. Most whale's I have seen post hardly have time to post but are very good in helping in curating post

  5. Blurt can't be mine, I read through the faq and saw that one of those things that makes blurt stand is the fact that it can not be mine

  6. Die hard community driven individuals the likes of @on-chain, @khron and other's are doing great jobs to see blurt get the required visibility online.

  7. Circle jerk voting I haven't witness such here whereby whale's only curate each other posting but rather here they are dedicated to making sure they curate other people's post rather than having enough time to create post for themselves

Awesome post bro! I love it!!! 😍😍😍

  ·  last year  ·  

At first, I have no idea what blurt is. I was just persuaded by a crypto friend to join. Now, that i been here for quite sometime now I like this platform so much for several reasons.

  1. There are lots of contests that you will earn blurt even if you wont post you will still earn blurt if you will just join just like what you have now.
  2. If you write your comments, you most likely to get an upvote.
  3. I have known from my crypto friends that there is no downvote here.
  4. I got interested also because there are many big upvotes here though i have not receive one yet but I am still hopeful that one day they will be able to see my posts and get an upvote.

So, I should not stop posting and continue my journey here in this platform.😀

Your first big upvote buddy! Congratz! 😜🏆🤙

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you so much. Your upvote means a lot to me. Hope you can also upvote my posts in the future.

  ·  last year  ·  

Lately, my life has taken a 180-degree turn so I haven't had much contact with content platforms like Blurt, Hive, or Steemit. I miss posting on them a lot, however, from time to time, I do visit my accounts and post some content when I have some free time. I take this opportunity to explain why I love Blurt, besides many reasons such as it is a blockchain technology platform, which means that everything you publish will be stored for life and there will be no way to delete it, it is totally transparent when making a transaction. It allows you to convert your cryptocurrency into other cryptocurrencies and vice versa; it makes fast transactions and you can make powerdown in 4 weeks. On the other hand, the fundamental part that attracts my attention when using Blurt is that it is a free platform, where they will not judge you for what you write, they will not delete your account, they will not block you, and also pay me for the content I publish, what else would I want? Ah! I forgot! it is also simple to use and you get used to it quickly. Although it is a platform that charges you a small commission for posting content (which obviously you will recover in 7 days if the content is of good quality) I love it anyway because this way it prevents people from posting nonsense and saturating the network, that is, it prevents spam (did I write it right?).

Nice! Thanks for the opportunity man :D

Thanks so much for your comment!!! 👍🏽😍🍀🤩

  ·  last year  ·  

Good morning, @olivia08 is here since day 1 birth of blurt. I feel so in love with blurt because of a very important story connected to my life. It became the reason of a certain things that made me stonger until now. It is so easy to post and people around are too friendly who supported me. No racist, no racism. As long as they love me , I love you all too. Blurt to the moon sooner!

Love ur comment!! 😍

  ·  last year  ·  

@outofthematrix this question.

why you love love blurt

It's actually a lovely question, there are so many one can say about blurt. For me, I love blurt because.

  • Blurt is easy pizzy no much stress in locating your ways once you're dedicated.

  • Blurt is a place where to meet new people around world a kind of social media it more than just a blog.

  • Blurt gives me the opportunity to learn new things, and also get to read very impressive educational contents.

  • Blurt helped me to improve my writing skills and also strive to write educative content.

  • One special thing is blurt don't do the down thing that will make someone lost his/her week accumulated token, in likes of steemit and give.

  • Also I love blurt because of the great support in times of the massive upvote, truth be told that is encouraging to stay and never to leave.

  • And I love the fact that blurt help me to earn, at least I know in the future to come through blurt I will someday be a millionaire, even though it is not easy to grow on blurt.

  • One more is I love the fact that blurt don't anyone come farm the token, for you to gain token you need to make good quality contents.

The last is the front ends are great and beautiful thanks to the developers team's all of the ends are wonderful.

Thanks to Blurt team you guys are doing a very impressive work. Kudos 👍

  ·  last year  ·  

Because i can get upvote from you :)
Thanks for the coconut my friend

Haha! 😂 Very nice mate!

  ·  last year  ·  

Loving Blurt cause:

  • Because there's non of that ultra toxic folks (compared to hive / probably because there's no downvote button) ^^'
  • The usage of liquid blurt that prevents spam imo very well :)

*if you should pick me, pls give the 1k blurt to someone who got less than I do & thanks a lot for all the upvotes ♥

Happy blurting y'all :D

Short and stout!!! 💪🍀👍

  ·  last year  ·  

@outofthematrix, thank you for this kind of contest. I have learned a lot about blurt through the experiences of the other members of this community. I look forward to more contests like this wherein we could learn more knowledge and facts about BLURT.

  ·  last year  ·  

Haha, thanks :P

  ·  last year  ·  

You are so kind and generous @phasewalker. Kudos!

  ·  last year  ·  

Uhm... thank you ♥

  ·  last year  ·  

Blurt is blurt. Just like that!

Das wird zwar nicht der Gewinner, aber dafür gab es 100% upvote! 😜

I love Blurt because... Everyone on Blurt is up front and on the Level...

1014166_10151709294758758_1572969778_n (2018_07_29 00_30_23 UTC) (2021_06_04 14_21_31 UTC).jpg

Hardcore planking! 😂😂😂

  ·  last year  ·  


For support 👏✊👍


Aaaaaawwwwww... What a cutie! 🐶😍

  ·  last year  ·  

Because I love Blurt.
The users of the platform are very talented, there is endless interesting content to read, comment and vote.

Blurt is the only platform that comes closest to what I consider to be fair, the users are friendly and supportive of your growth.

I like that Blurt does not have its token stable based on the price of the dollar, I like that the shutdown is 4 weeks, I like that there are no negative votes.

I really like spending time voting content, to support others to grow. There are very interesting and solid projects that support your growth.

Blurt has the technology of the future, many platforms will use this blockchain technology powered by tokens, I am passionate about Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

Thanks buddy! Great comment! 🙏❤️

  ·  last year  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord