Uses and Abuses of internet

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Internet is the most convenient reliable and cheapest mode of communication. It has a huge protentiality for the significant improvement economic productivity in Bangladesh. In the production of goods and services, both in government and private sectors, it has huge economic potentiality.

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Yet, it has some abuses,too. Nowadays, specially the teen-agers are very prone to absorb the demerits of internet. They sometimes keep chatting and whilling away their time which there friends or even unknown person when they are supposed to be at their desk to study.The importance of Internet vast. It helps us to communicate with the people of other parts of the world.It is a quick and easy medium of communication currently demand of internet in Bangladesh is increasing rapidly. People are being department and dependent on internet Remarkably but it is a matter of great regret that internet has not reached throughout the country yet. So the people are being deprived of the benefit of internet.

The internet service providers not getting enough opportunities and options from the government either. In order to flourish the communication system, we mast take necessary steps to better internet facilities in our country, otherwise we will always lag behind. Different mobile operators often offer Shyam mid night free or low cost calls. Student mastly take this advantage and thus kill their time. Besides hijackers robbers and different anti social activities often comet crime by communicating among themselves thought internet.Scientists are warning that excessive use of mobile phone can cause brain cancer, and hamper the mental growth of children. Because of it's great benefits the number of internet users is increasing day by day. But every positive thing has some negatives aspects as well. Despite these disadvantages koi use internet as it has been a part and parcel in our daily life.

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