Unpublished photo session of Valentina Briceño as a candidate for the reign

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Happy Sunday friends, I hope you are doing great today, a few days ago I had the pleasure of working with Valentina Briceño and I want to show you the result of this photo session which I had to get up early to finish editing it, but I think it was worth it, well friends beyond the result, the session I also want to share the special and the illusion that this makes me, I have known Valentina since she was in diapers, very literally friends, my mom took care of her since she was months old because our families are close, before my mom took care of children, and well, Valentina was one of them, so she literally grew up with us until she was about 4 or 5 years old when she started school I remember, but since even that we have always been seeing each other and staying close, but I already mentioned that I think because this is her second promotional session that I did for her as a Carnival candidate but they never went out, a few weeks ago before the casting her older sisters were at home and between talking and talking I told them about the carnival reign that was about to take place and they were doing casting to choose the candidates, it was only worth it for them to tell her, they cheered her up and well friends, she was so happy, she was so happy, she was so happy, I was helping her with advice and all that because she has zero experience in this and well, also her promotional photo shoot as a candidate and we achieved this magnificent result, look how she was selected as the official candidate, from then on we only had to support and do the best for her, I was helping her with advice and all that because she has zero experience in this and well, also her promotional photo shoot as a candidate and we achieved this magnificent result, look how she was.

Feliz domingo amigos, espero esten super bien el dia hoy, hace algunos días tuve el gusto de poder trabajar con Valentina Briceño y quiero mostrarles el resultado de esta sesion fotográfica la cual madrugue para poder terminar de editarla, pero valió la pena creo, bueno amigos más alla del resultado, la sesión quiero compartir tambien lo especial y la ilusión que esto me hace, yo conozco a Valentina desde que tiene pañales, muy literal amigos, mi mamá la cuidaba desde que tenía meses de vida porqué nuestras familias son cercanas, antes mi mama cuidaba niños, y bueno, Valentina fue una de ellos, por lo cual literal ella se crío con nosotros hasta aproximadamente sus 4 o 5 años cuando empezó la escuela recuerdo, pero desde incluso eso hemos estado siempre viéndonos y manteniéndonos cercanos, pero eso ya se los mencione creo porque esta es su segunda sesión promocional que le hice como candidata de Carnaval pero nunca salieron, hace unas semanas antes de que fuese el casting su hermanas mayores estuvieron en casa y entre hablando y hablando les comente sobre el reinado de carnaval que estaba por hacerse y estaban haciendo casting para elegir a las candidatas, valió solo eso para que ellas le dijeran, la animaran y bueno amigos, ella fue a presentarse y enseguida quedó seleccionada como candidata oficial, de allí en adelante solo queda apoyar y hacer lo mejor por y para ella, le estuve ayudando con consejos y todo eso porque ella tiene cero experiencia en esto y bueno, tambien su sesión fotográfica promocional como candidata y logramos este resultado tan magnífico, miren como quedo.





And honestly friends, as I told you these photos were for promotion as a candidate and as carnival is over I wasn't going to take them but thinking about it I said "if they are already done, why not? "We are super delighted and amazed with this result, we feel happy, excited, my God who would say that Valentina would be in this, she looks so projected the truth, she is currently being very supported by her sister and brother in law who are with her at all times taking her everywhere now that everything is over and she is putting a lot of desire and really I am very happy to see that, it gives us great illusion to see her doing something she really likes.

Y honestamente amigos, como les comente estas fotos eran como promoción como candidata y como ya termino carnaval no las iba a sacar pero pensandolo bien dije "si ya estan hechas, ¿por que no?" estamos super encantados y maravillados con este resultado, nos sentimos felices, emocionados, Dios mio quien diria que Valentina estaria en esto, se ve tan proyectada la verdad, actualmente está siendo muy apoyada por su hermana y su cuñado quien estan con ella en todo momento llevándola a todas partes ahora que todo acabo y le han salido pautas, ella le está poniendo muchísimas ganas y de verdad que me contenta muchisimo ver eso, nos da mucho ilusión verla haciendo algo que realmente le gusta.



And well friends without further ado, I reiterate that we are really super happy and excited about this, I hope you like this newly created material, newly created literally friends, because the photos were taken yesterday for today as who would say hahaha here I share some of the behind the camera of these photographs, again I hope you like it and if so let me know in a comment your opinion friends, thanks for watching and reading and well, I send you a lot of good virtual vibes and the best energies, until next time and anxious to show you all this content created, be well.

Y bueno amigos sin más, reitero que de verdad que estamos super contentos y emocionados con esto, espero de corazón pueda gustarles este material recién creado, recién creado literal amigos, porque las fotos fueron de ayer para hoy como quien diria jajaja aca les comparto algunos de los detras de camara de estas fotografías, nuevamente espero les guste y si es asi dejenme saber en un comentario su opinion amigos, gracias por ver y leer y bueno, les envio muchísima buena vibra virtual y las mejores energías, hasta la próxima y ya ansioso de mostrarles todo este contenido creado, que estén bien.


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José Luna

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Cámara utilizada en esta sesión: Canon EOS REBEL T3
Objetivo Canon: 18-55mm
Programa de edición: Adobe Photoshop CS6

Camera used in this session: Canon EOS REBEL T3
Canon Lens: 18-55mm
Editing program: Adobe Photoshop CS6

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