in r2cornell •  3 years ago 
Hey everyone!!! I sincerely apologise for keeping you waiting for a long period of time. For the past few weeks now, i have been busy with one thing or the other due to the season. So today,i will just go straight to point the remaining steps to take as to maintain a healthy heart.


V. Focus on high fiber foods: A diet in high fiber can lower "bad" cholesterol and provide nutrients that can help protect against heart disease. By filling up on whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, you can get most of the fiber you will need, which means you will also be lowering your risk of heart disease.
Vi. Rekindle home cooking: It can be very difficult to eat right for ones' heart when one eats out,ordering in or eating microwaved dinners and other processed foods. The good news is that one can actually make some adjustments starting from one's menu plan,you can as well make easy to eat meals on days you are busy free and stock them up in your freezer. Trust me this process can help you save a lot of money.


Vii. Steer clear of salt and processed foods: Dear friends, eating a lot of salt can contribute to high blood pressure,which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Reducing the salt in your food is a big part of a heart-healthy diet. The American Heart Association recommends no more than about a teaspoon of salt a day for an adult. It may sound alarmingly small,but there are actually many painless-even delicious ways to reduce the rate of sodium intake.
And the last but not the least...
Viii. Go for whole grains: Refined or precessed foods are lower in fiber content. So its advised you make whole grains an integral part of your diet. This can be achieved by choosing a high fiber cereal for breakfast, trying new grains like brown rice,wild rice ,barley ,or even whole pasta. You can also use whole grain flour in your baking.
Remember also that flaxseeds which are brown seeds that are high in fiber and omega -3 fatty acids can lower total blood cholesterol. You can as well grind the seeds and stir them in your yoghurt or hot cereal. You can find this flaxseed at the market where grains are sold.
So with the above mentioned steps, i believe that one can actually maintain a healthy heart and limit the risk of heart disease.

Remember that your health is in your hands,if you can't take care of your heart no one will do it for you.

In my next post i will be sharing with us on simple ways to minimize or stop too much intake of alcohol.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is pertinent that we take proper care of our heart to extend our life span and also for proper pumping of blood in our body. Thanks for this informative content! Keep posting quality content on blurt ecosystem!
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am glad to know that i could be of help...