Much has happened in a week since my last publication. First, I would like to thank all of you who were supportive in the dilemma I found myself. I was upset because of the theft, and the small amount of negativity that came my way. The positive support definitely outweighed the negative. So, that is what I hold on to. It is not the first time in the last 6 or 7 years that some have tried to prove I was something other than who I am and what I am about. I have never understood it because I am not that way.
This positive support I received has led me to reconsider what I am doing with the curation project here on Blurt. I have been offered many suggestions and some I "took to heart". I have decided to continue the project, albeit on a slightly smaller scale. At this moment I am considering only two curation accounts. I am not sure which accounts yet, but will announce it when we are getting closer. I may be able to have one account begin curation in a couple of weeks. Possibly even in a week, although with less voting power than there will be eventually.
I am in the process of powering down accounts and moving Blurt to a new account. In the new account I am powering-up the Blurt received and will be delegating to the curation accounts. This is the part of the process that is going to take some time.
With the Power-Down I AM NOT SELLING BLURT! In fact I bought back some of the blurt I previously sold. I was even able to buy back at a lower price than I sold. After that the Blurt price started moving as BTC fluctuated. Some I may not buy back for a while. Some never got sold but were sent to lesser known Blurt accounts, from the exchanges I use. I am day-trading (not with Blurt) with the funds raised. Maybe I can earn some of the loss back in terms of USD.
The curators that have been with me for a while now, want to return to curating on Blurt. Some were with me before the creation of Blurt, and possibly before the creation of Hive.
I want to address an issue that comes up on all the platforms. This issue has to do with curation projects being on all 3 platforms. Steemit and Hive were down-sized considerably since the creation of Blurt. I kept a presence on those two platforms for two reasons: first is that there are many users on all three platforms who get little to no support, and the curation projects help them get established and earn some. Second is that the curators want to be able to earn what they can on all the platforms.
It is usually those with plenty of voting power on a given platform that get upset over this. Most of us know the down-voting issue on Steemit and Hive. Thankfully we do not have that issue on Blurt. I have done my best to keep an open mind as to why someone is on any of the platforms, and sometimes on all three. It usually comes down to the desire to earn. It does not take much forethought to understand that they need the earnings to supplement their household income. Instead of being upset with them and blocking them out, give them enough support and they will abandon the other platforms. I thought anger issues were a Hive, and somewhat Steemit thing, and not a Blurt thing.
Enough said for one post. I wanted to be able to share a few photos in addition to passing on information.
My cover photo is one of the roses I planted for my late wife's memorial service. It was her wish to have her ashes fertilize some roses. I bought this rose through the mail, and never paid attention to its name. My focus was on a rose that I knew my wife would like. I was pleasantly surprised when it arrived and I saw the name of it: "Falling in Love". I shed more than a few tears over that.
This next photo is of the same rose.
The next photo is of a fern that my wife took care of (20 years) until she did not have the strength. I took over the care and I am determined to keep it going for another 20 years.
This final photograph is of a project that my wife started a few years ago. I continue to take care of it. She was fascinated with elephants and has a huge collection of them. I even bought a painting that was completed by an elephant in a sanctuary in Thailand. The elephant was not trained, it was offered the means to paint and has created many beautiful paintings.
The larger white rock behind the elephant figurine is a quartz rock that my wife and I found on one of our first camping trips to the mountains. We kept all these years.
I normally use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon digital camera that I use from time to time. I do take some photographs with my Samsung Note 10 smart phone and include them from time to time.
Photographs in this publication have not been published elsewhere. They were edited for centering and cleanup just prior to creating this publication. Other similar photos of the same flower or item may have been used elsewhere but for this publication I used unique photographs.
This brings us to the end of this publication. I trust you will find the information helpful in clarifying what I am now doing.
It looks like my full retirement may come as early as February. I still have one disabled lady I am caring for. I am in the process of changing things over to my granddaughter. She is projecting that everything should be in place by early February. I have a lot of plans for indoor and outdoor gardening and being able to get some things done in my wood-shop. I have materials gathered for several projects and will finally have the time to do them.

My son is fascinated by elephants. I hope to show him one someday, perhaps in the wild if that's possible then.
Good to hear you're not leaving, and that your accounts are secure again. All the best going forward.
Yes Curating will start soon.
What a caring husband you are, you must have miss your late wife very dearly. Despite her departure I love the way you still care for the things she love.
For blurt am happy you have reconsider and went far to buying more blurt to support the falling of the price. Take care all will be well.
Thank you. It is almost the 1st anniversary of my wife's passing. The things I take care of for her help cope with the big change in my life.
This is one of the good news of the day I read and I am glad you are back again.
Thank you
You simply rock my friend. It is amazing how you do care about all the stuff related to your wife with so much love, incredible!
That rose is really wonderful, has a simple but special beauty. I wonder how you are able to have all those plants so healthy. You, definetely, have a worthy hand on them.
I'm happy to see you getting back on track after those drawbacks, you know, life...
Best wishes for your Christmas time 🤗
Thank you. I firmly believe plants have feelings. The thoughts and feelings one holds when caring for them impacts the plants well being. Many of my plants were actually my wife's or gifts to me from her. I cannot care for them without thinking about her. Maybe the result of that is reflected in the healthy plants. I have an Orchid that was a gift from my wife. It started blooming just before she died and then held blooms for 7 months, took a month off and started growing the flower stem for more blooms. This time it has been 5 months and the blooms continue to hold.
The rose (white with a pink blush) is more than I could have expected. I anxiously awaiting spring to see if it holds up to out winters. It is grown on its own root instead of being grafted, so if it dies back to the earth the roots should send new growth.
Hope your holidays were great.
Interesting point of view... we the growers affecting our plants with our energy. I must admit I thought about It many times, at work mainly where I'm somwhat "forced" to care of lots of them in a very extreme conditions: low light income, extreme temperatures (hot/cold), chemical vapors and a boss that's always thinking I water them too less and that also inisists on growing exotic plants or those that don't adapt to our environment.
So I keep talking to them hahaha ... only pothos and some porcelainflowers or wax plants and cactus are able to survive our conditions. They are really well now that my boss realized (after long years) that he should let me do my stuff 😂
Those are some off the indoor ones... I will upload some more when I'm back to work next week.
You asked about my Christmas....well I don't stop working and studying, family and house caring and making some favors to Friends. I would say all is ok since I keep somewhat healthy physically and mentally 😅
It's a pleasure to see your living jewells, thanks for sharing them with us 🤗
It's good that you reconsidered staying. You have always done what is best for everyone. Thank you.
Although many have wanted to speak badly about you, we all know that you are actually a great person.
Thank you
Welcome back sir.
I am very happy that you reconsidered your initial decision.
Happy that a lot of people will continue enjoying your support on blurt...
Once again welcome 🤗
Thank you!
It is good to hear that you will stay. Keep working, thanks for this update
Thank you for your support
I am glad that you will reconsider about your curation efforts despite of what happened lately because it is really hard to earn with these things that we do on blockchain social media whether curation, content creation, interaction, etc., just to get something out from it which is actually our general goal otherwise I guess that these platforms will just be ignored but they are not and we are lucky to be involved which makes us all enjoy the fruits of our hard work.
I also have my own goals which is to secure my future and not to worry about money anymore considering that I haven't done anything much outside my house because of my physical condition, so this peculiar thing that I do is really a blessing and something to be thankful to God for because it is simply amazing and at the same time very fun to do.
Best wishes to you @dsc-r2cornell @r2cornell #BLURT to the moon 😀🚀
Thank you @cryptopie
It is such a beautiful publication and full of love that I could imagine the fragance of that pretty rose, and feel the softness of the leaves of that wonderful fern with that beautiful green color and full of life. I'm glad you decided to take care of him for 20 or so more years because it means we'll have plenty of time to share a good conversation.
I loved the whole publication and I am glad to have you among us again, I have always thought that good people have so much of their own light that they can only shine and you have your own light.
A huge hug, I invite you to write in #newvisionlife, this publication covers all the requirements.
Good vibes.
Thank you very much
Great news. Good to have you back on Blurt. I’m hoping to retire very soon also. Thanks to Blurt, Steemit, Koinos, RepubliK, Dtube, YouTube and a few other fun Crypto Projects.
I hope all these platform will pay well to all of us. We see you and Mr cornell as inspiration to make things work here.
Thank you
The secret is high Blurt Power and high Steem Power.
Income from the three platforms were always one of my income stream for retirement. Like my stock and bond portfolio I want to just let them grow until I need them. Sure which I still had all those BTC I sold over the years. I would be sitting pretty!
Me too. All we can do now is buy the dips… a little each day.
Thank you very much sir, for announcing this post again about Blurt.
Hopefully everything will go as planned.
Welcome back! Those look beautiful. Good luck with your retirement. We will miss you.
I will still be involved with the curation projects, and maybe I can publish again. I have always planned to be busy during retirement.
Thank you we are always with you.
What a caring husband you are, you must have missed your wife so much. I know you love your wife very much. Even though she is gone, you keep her things.
sorry sir i commented without seeing it😢😢
I'm so happy to hear you're back at Blurt. Roses, beautiful flowers are a symbol of affection with a fragrant aroma. I'm sure that's your heart that always spreads love to all. Hopefully everything is always in good condition
Thank you
It was a great idea that new for us theat you will stay with us with the new account and be active
Thank you
I am not well informed about what happened, I only know something about a robbery and that unfortunately you left the platform, things that I very much regretted. I know there was controversy about it, everyone with their own opinions. I am glad that you are back and hoping that everything is for the best, and that the resentments within Blurt are over, so that he can grow in a positive and happy environment.
My best wishes to you and your family and may everything be excellent in 2024. Yeah!! Beautiful photos.
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I am happy with the decision you have made.
In football terms I could say that the team (BLURT) has recovered an important player: in quantity and quality.
The characteristics of HIVE and STEEMIT are already known: concentration of resources and voting power in very few hands. And when you don't go at the pace they propose (a lot of over-exposure of users, a lot of first-person avatars, a lot of good things to say about HIVE and STEMMIT) you pay a very expensive price.
All the best to you and your team in the year ahead.
Thank you very much.
Curated by @ultravioletmag
Very Nice 💙 Shalom 🦋
Good that you are staying, may your projects continue to help others to grow and may everything go well. I wish you all the best. And I hope you soon recover that money that was stolen from you. Thanks for the information, you have my support.
By: @cristo ❤️🔥
Thank you
Thank you so much for the work and the support you are giving to people.
Thanks for the update, good to hear you are working through things as well as possible. We all look forward to better days ahead. 🖖
I loved the whole publication and I am happy to have you among us again. Continuing your curation project is a goodnews to blurtians especially those who has low voting power.
Nine post. 💖💖💖
Telegramand Whatsapp
You have a lot of caring and love in you @r2cornell and its so awesome of you to come back with good spirits. God Bless you 🙏
Thank you.
It is nice to hear that your are back with your curation project. I admit I always look forward to to your upvote and I was sad when that thing happened to you.
Continuing your curation project is a very good news to us blurtians who has low voting power. Thank you for not quitting!
Thank you
Good news, thank you for sharing your thoughts and to continue your journey here. We'll wait for you in our feed ;)
Thank you
Hi @dsc-r2cornell, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.
You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉
Your wife was not wrong, it really looks very elegant, and the fern is very well preserved.