Thank you. I firmly believe plants have feelings. The thoughts and feelings one holds when caring for them impacts the plants well being. Many of my plants were actually my wife's or gifts to me from her. I cannot care for them without thinking about her. Maybe the result of that is reflected in the healthy plants. I have an Orchid that was a gift from my wife. It started blooming just before she died and then held blooms for 7 months, took a month off and started growing the flower stem for more blooms. This time it has been 5 months and the blooms continue to hold.
The rose (white with a pink blush) is more than I could have expected. I anxiously awaiting spring to see if it holds up to out winters. It is grown on its own root instead of being grafted, so if it dies back to the earth the roots should send new growth.
Hope your holidays were great.
Interesting point of view... we the growers affecting our plants with our energy. I must admit I thought about It many times, at work mainly where I'm somwhat "forced" to care of lots of them in a very extreme conditions: low light income, extreme temperatures (hot/cold), chemical vapors and a boss that's always thinking I water them too less and that also inisists on growing exotic plants or those that don't adapt to our environment.
So I keep talking to them hahaha ... only pothos and some porcelainflowers or wax plants and cactus are able to survive our conditions. They are really well now that my boss realized (after long years) that he should let me do my stuff 😂
Those are some off the indoor ones... I will upload some more when I'm back to work next week.
You asked about my Christmas....well I don't stop working and studying, family and house caring and making some favors to Friends. I would say all is ok since I keep somewhat healthy physically and mentally 😅
It's a pleasure to see your living jewells, thanks for sharing them with us 🤗