You may have noticed that our second curating account started back up earlier this week. I will be increasing the powered-up BP as we go forward. As it stands we will only be curating with @r2cornell and @dsc-r2cornell. My main curators will pick up where they left off with the Blurt curation project.
Our curators are:
They have been with me for a long time, and without them I would not continue because it is a lot of work. @abiga554 has been doing a good job with reports for all platforms, and should begin with reports on Blurt in the near future.
They primarily find posts to curate in our Blurt post promotion channel on Discord.
That is all the news I have. I wanted to keep you updated and share a few photographs with you.
My cover photograph is from a cutting I took last fall from my potted rose bush. The rose bush is in the garage is in dormancy. I have two of the small cuttings that rooted. One has this bloom and the other has buds. I have them in my dining room under lights. Seeing a rose is one thing but where I live it is -25 degrees Celsius this morning. The wind chill makes it even worse. So to take a photo of a rose I am growing is that much more exciting for me.
The following photo is of the same rose, but not as close up.
This next photograph is a pansy that had self seeded from the previous year. I took the photo last spring to early summer. Actually I am adding a second one as well.
I thought I would share with you a photograph of it snowing. This was taken a couple days before this cold weather moved in. The flakes were huge, and it was so quiet and peaceful out side.
I normally use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon digital camera that I use from time to time. I do take some photographs with my Samsung Note 10 smart phone and include them from time to time. I believe that most of the photos in this post were taken with my Samsung phone.

Happy to see you still love blurtians
Kindly vote @nabeeel as witness
Love from Pakistan
Welcome most welcome
I love the pansy flower, its color is very tender. As for the weather, just looking at the photo, it made me cold.
It was a mild day when I took the photo of the snow. Mild for our winter. Since then it has been seriously COLD!
Great to see you coming back in full force @dsc-r2cornell
Love your healthy bright flowers :)
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed flowers.
It is very good news to start the new year with faith and optimism.
Am happy to see that you are back. On behalf of blurtians o say you are welcome
Thank you. It is good to be active again.
This flower is so beautiful..
Thank you
I like the color of this flower. beautiful flowers.
Thank you
Welcome back 😊 and nice to see the flowers
Thank you.
Good snowing landscape. Thank you for your work and a nice week to all the curators :)
Thank you
The pictures are amazing.
Thank you
It is a pleasure for us to share our best wishes and congratulations. You have been given a virtual hug by the curation account @newvisionlife and manually curation by @OneRay.
Life never ends and there are new ways to see it. Tell us yours in our community
Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual de la cuenta de curación @newvisionlife y curado manualmente por @OneRay
La vida nunca termina y hay nuevas formas de verla. Cuéntanos la tuya en nuestra comunidad
Thank you
"They primarily find posts to curate in our Blurt post promotion channel on Discord."
So most of your curation is done by request?
Not really. A link is placed in the Blurt promotion channel, and then it may or may not be curated. Just do not send link to me or one of the curators because we will usually delete that link without looking. Some curators may find links elsewhere and it is up to them if they curate it.
Okay thanks, just curious how you do it. I'm not looking to ask for my content to be curated... I think curators know where to find me if they're interested in what I'm creating : )
I will also never use Discord, and don't think it should be required for full participation in Blurt. Just my opinion on 3rd party software.
I am glad that your curation work is already going on again @r2cornell, dsc-r2cornell because your support really means a lot for the users of #blurt and the users of its sister chains in many ways more than one.
I am always captivated by the images of Rose flowers because of its scent which I never was able to sniff for many decades now really. I also like the colors of any flowers but one magical scent which I am longing for is those flowers from a fortune plant/tree, for one thing they bloom at the same time for some mysterious reason and they only produce flowers after many years or a decade but when their flowers produces scent, it is only at night and the smell really is so heavenly which you can smell more than few meters from the tree/plant.😀👍
Thank you @cryptopie
Curated by @ultravioletmag
Thank you. I appreciate it.
1 votes
Hi @dsc-r2cornell, great news! Your content was selected by curators @oneray, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.
You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Very beautiful