Photography Oxalis triangularis flower.

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


This week it rained so heavily, the plants looked so cheerful enjoying the cold grace of the rain that fell from the sky and it seemed like the dry season had passed and this afternoon the atmosphere of the afternoon sky looked a little cloudy after a drizzle fell in the morning.

The scorching sun was only glimpsed through the gaps in the overcast clouds and while spending an afternoon this weekend I was strolling in the yard looking at some of the flowers that are starting to flap their beautiful petals this season and they seem to grow so cheerful with the natural weather of this season, the leaves that looked dry during the dry season, now look green growing so gracefully.

One type of flower plant Oxalis triangularis which in general, local people are more familiar with as the butterfly flower and they are one of the types of flower plants that we cultivate in the home environment as exterior decoration plants.

And this flower plant begins to release buds and young leaf petals this season with its amazing characteristics.


We cultivate these plants in several flower pots and their tiny flower petals with a characteristic that are so elegant and they have the surface of the petals that look so soft.


The combination of the two-colors texture with the soft, bell-like surface gives a sense of beauty that spoils my eyes when walking around the house, so I decided to detailed its beauty in several macrophotography photo shoots.







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CameraSmarphone + macro lens
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