Photography Insects the Coreinae.

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


As I pass the path leading to the farmland along the path surrounded by weeds among the green bushes, the terrain of the paddy field path makes me careful enough in my steps so as not to slip in irrigation of the rice fields.

I kept watching my footsteps among the thick green grass bushes and on the way I saw green grass growing which looked a little different from the other grass bushes they have a deep green color with a slightly rough-looking leaf surface texture and they have tiny flowers with a color white texture and also the flowers has a flower size that looks so tiny.

And among that green grass leaves I saw an insect that looked so elegant with a black texture a combination of soft white colors,these insects have three pairs of long legs and their forelegs appear to be slightly large with slightly different sizes from their other legs and that insect has a head that is fused to its body and the head they have looks smaller than it grows and also they has a pair of antennae that look longer than the length of size its legs and also they have mouths that look like needles.


And they are insects Family Coreidaewhich is a class of insect pests of rural rice farming and The nest looks so relaxed with its characteristic texture that looks so elegant and the bug didn't seem to have any aggressive moves towards my presence around it.


The atmosphere of the afternoon that looks so bright and the presence of these insects around a short green bush made it easy for me to take detailed pictures of its beauty in several angles of black and white macrophotography shooting.















CameraSmarphone + macro lens
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Really nice details, you should spend a long time to get these shots!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thanks @marc-allaria You're right and all my macrophotography shots always last a long time to get the shots I want ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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