Leadership Mentality

in r2cornell •  9 months ago 

We know a leader is someone who influences a group of people toward the achievement of a goal. The key word is influence. You can't give what you don't have within to others.

I recently noticed that a good leader is a good planner. In life you're either Planning or Playing. Taking positive measures today helps take care of the future expectations. To a non-planner nothing is enough and such person cannot lead effectively.



A non-planner cannot lead because the ability to determine where to go, what to invest in, save and do per time is missing and this is a unique leadership skill that enhances a successful leadership lifestyle. Careful planners lead many to profits.



A leader is not someone that intimidate people to get them towards achieving a goal. Just like a young child cannot be forced to walk because you want to see the child walk quickly, you will rather patiently plan to teach, inspire and encourage the child.

If you use intimidation or guess work on people yet getting result, it might be because the people have no other place to go yet or you are just being lucky.

Luck cannot guarantee continuous success, it's understanding the secret of a process that guarantees continuous desired result in the area of interest.

Many of us often like to use guess work while growing up, there are many times we use intimidation against many other people to get them follow our mindset, lead and desires.

Leadership is the ability to effectively organized a group of people to achieve a common task and goal.

Individuals must be able to plan and be in control of their life before they can lead other's effectively.

This means we should focus on building healthy relationship with our personal life and there will be naturally flow of values to others to others.



Leadership and Influence

For you to be able to positively influence others:

  • Pay attention to your personal success in life.

  • Be a good planner, avoid being obsolete.

  • Be a risk taker and courageous person.

  • Be creative

  • Develop geniue love and attention for people..

  • Be Willingness to be an example, to see them grow, because attracting loyal people is not a function of what you want but who you are.

  • Learn to show honest appreciation when they do things well for you.

  • Remain passionate and motivated about your life, interest, goals and vision.

  • Passion is seen through our SACRIFICES. Sacrifice is not once but continuous. for example: Showing empathy when required. Learning to overlook minor errors. Correcting in love. Not overly critical. Although! there are some red line error that must be trashed immediately.

Lead by positively influencing people attached to you.

Let us keep working on ourselves to influence people more positively, by paying attention to our individual life and planning for a successful and valuable future ahead as a lifestyle.

Trust you will treat ASAP. Your contribution and input will be appreciated in the comments. Thank you for taking your time to read through.

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