Thanks to those who introduced me to Blurt

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 
When I heard about Blurt platform I was a little naive and reluctant thinking wether it will work because I have witnessed and partake in so many platform who only showed up for a moment and are gone.

A friend of mine @senicbliss keep on encouraging me to register that this one will be a different story and at some point ,I took a bold step and decided to be registered and ever since I did that I've been enjoying every bit on this platforms.


Thanks to Blurt platform for coming to stay. I'm grateful to be a partaker of the growth that blurt has brought in to our community and I believe with blurt the community will grow to unimaginable standard.

I love this platform and I hope to contribute my quota to this growth through frequent engagement alongside others and also enlightened the community about this platform that has come to stay.

Because as I was naive and reluctant to register there may be people out there who also have this wrong view of the platform to register and they need a source of enlightenment that will help them have the right view of the platform.

So we still have more work to do by bringing blurt to the knowledge of everyone through this way we can push the community to a greater heights and unimaginable standard.

Thanks for reading.

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