Don't let anything spoil your happiness

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 
Sometimes, it seems like the world has turned its back on you. You feel dejected, lost, confused, saddened, and unfulfilled. You begin to wonder if God truly cares about you. You try to deduce what's going on and why things appear the way they are.Yes, it is normal to feel that way, especially when you know all your efforts are abortive and seem to have no answers to your questions.

It's okay to be worried and ask yourself certain mind thrilling questions because you know you are not supposed to be going through such a difficult life situation. Notwithstanding, you must realise how precious you are to God! You need to understand that the circumstances you are going through are temporary, and they are paving the way to your greatness in life.


Try taking your mind off whatever situation you may be going through . Remember God loves you and cared about you that is the reason you are still breathing and seeing your self alive. Never doubt God's word over your life. Be rest assured He will always come through for you. Remember the words of Robert Schuller which says, "Tough times never last, but tough people do."

God wants you to trust Him for he is able to see you through. He wants you to understand that He is still in the process of making you and would do everything possible to make you great. He want you to be happy and forget about your past and trust him for the future.

When you remember that the joy of the Lord is your strength and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, you will begin to see your self differently that you are a winner and not a looser. God loves you dearly. Don't and never stop trusting Him. Be encouraged, smile for your time of visitations have come. God bless you!

Thanks for reading..

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