This cannot be.

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

This article was inspired by a gathering at the community of hive learners where notions and suggestions are brought to the table.

Mindset is who you are at your core. It is your habitual way of thinking. Your personality speaks a lot about you in a manner everyone can communicate.

Your mindset is derived from your life experiences and the way you respond to them, as well as what you learn from those who influence you both positively and negatively.

The same components of the human body include eyes, nose, mouths, legs, and hands and still, yet we are different in complexion and mindset too.

We are humans bound to emotions and have so many differences, personalities, and charisma. Every living being unique in its way, it's so dazzling.

Anyone could have a reason why they engage in such actions which are typically theirs, I can't tell what but we have our willpower to either choose to do right or wrong.

Influences are surrounding us everywhere but that willpower determines what we let into our lives and in return, it shapes our entire lifestyle.

And yes we are different, with different cultures, different mindsets, different backgrounds, and so forth...let me tell you one thing I don't do but everyone else around me does and considers it the norm.

What I despise a lot and I see people living through it as normal life is being FAKE. Do you know what it means to be the real you huh?

Living a fake life can't last forever, it's a one-time situation and takes lots of energy to act up. Being real is a blessing and putting up so many stunts will only stress you much.

People just feel that it's very awesome to live a pretentious life enveloped with deceit and manipulation of all kinds to fool people.

Pretense can only take you to a certain point in life but it can't be there for such an individual forever because at a time you would feel losen then those traits you covered will be exposed.

Thanks for reading this piece

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