Natural Looks: Show Blurt Your Natural Looks

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


Learn to appreciate your natural looks, it takes nothing to do that. Western civilization has made everything looks so artificial including our looks we take so much time to mask our face with different kinds of makeup paint to look attractive but no matter how beautiful you look in makeup paint it's just for the moment your natural looks remains a constant. I love myself natural try not apply any skin care that will affect my skin most especially my face which is the center of attraction.

Make it a routine go out once in while on your natural looks and you get to listen to others comments about your looks they are also your mirror...

  • You can equally give it a try here on Blurt, make a post of your natural look photo add a Blurt logo just the way I did.
  • Drop your natural look photo in the comment section.
  • Your photo should be an outdoor photo with a nice walking step and smiles.
  • Tag me and at least five other persons not male just female.
  • This is not a contest or a beauty pageantry in anyway, just a natural looks challenge.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Seguro que lo intentare

está bien

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Aw, sweet. Thanks for the tag.
Looking fab my dear 😍

Thank you dearie 💕