Making Use Of The Five Magic Words

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


The tongue they say is small yet powerful. It is referred to as a two edged sword by the Bible. It has the power to kill and give life.
In almost every other nursery School all over the world, this song reigns supreme!
" There are five magic words (3x).

There are five magic words I know.

Thank you, sorry, please excuse me and the last one, pardon me"
One might be to wonder how these words are "magical" and what makes them so special. These words makes life easier and makes conversations go smoothly. Let's talk about
each of them.



this word is a very important word. How??? I'd tell you how. When are person does something for you,by saying thank you,it means you are grateful and that you appreciate what that person has done. A person is seen as an ingrate when he or she refuses to say thank you. When you say thank you,it makes a person want to do more for you. Funny enough,not saying " thank you" has caused a lot of broken relationships. " Despite everything I did, she couldn't say thank you! I should have just left her to her fate" things like this is what we hear here and there. Try to include thank you in your vocabulary and see how smoothly your relationship with others go.


this is another really strong word. Saying sorry means you regret your actions,it also reduces a person's anger. Imagine stepping on a person's Foot without saying anything, you'd be told immediately "can't you say sorry?" Most times the gravity of what we've done is so much but when we say "I am sorry" we are pardoned. Is that not magical?


is another really powerful word. It is compelling somebody to do something. We say please to soften a person's resolve. When we are told "No" we resolving to begging. "Please help me". Saying please also shows how much we want something.
A: Give me some money!
B: Can't you say please?
In the above conversation, A sounded authoritative. It's not his or her money so you have to say please to get it from someone else.


is also very Paramount. This is often used when we want to probably walk past someone in a close space. It is also used to get a person's attention, especially someone we are not familiar with.." Excuse me, do you know where the grocery store is?" From this example,the speaker is talking to a stranger. Since we do not know everyone's names, excuse me comes in handy.


is another magical word. We often say "I beg your pardon" when we a person's says something we disagree with. It is also used to ask for forgiveness.
Note Not only children needs to imbibe these words but adults must make a part of their everyday conversation and see how smoothly things go. So many disputes would be avoided. There are so many broken relationships because both parties are too proud to say "Sorry", it shouldn't be so at all.
Make these words a part of you and see how magical they truly are!


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