in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

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Good day, my fellow blurtance, I’m so excited to be part of the great community, I can express how excited I am to come across such a platform like this that offers dual opportunity, that is, the opportunity to earn for living and also learn. I want to appreciate those who are full of love and passion to visit my blog. You guys don’t allow me to be a low ranger here, in fact, you made here the best place to be for me.

As the whole world is celebrating valentine today, I have taught of a post that will actually go align with the day and I decided to come out with this amazing and indispensable post. I can assure you is going to repair a lot of broken relationships and as well prevent those at the brim of collapsing.

To gain access into a particular room or office the importance of key cannot be overemphasized. Key can unlock a door. When a powerful man without try all his best possible to force a door open, such can be regarded as beating a dead horse or mere ranting. A simple and weak man with the key without much ado will gain access to the room and do what he desires to do. As simple as the key is, it has the power to unlock a door. In the same vein, the word ‘sorry’ as short as it, can do a lot in a relationship.

Sorry, should be said without pride and ego. It should come from a pure and sincere heart. To secure and sustain a relationship ready to say “I’m sorry when you wrong your partner” is a powerful tool in a relationship.

Pride and ego make a mockery of an apology. Humility wins forgiveness without question…so break ‘yourself’!
T. F. Hodge

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You are not foolish when you say am sorry but indirectly keep your relationship safe and sound. This reminds me of when we were young when we are being forced by our parents to say sorry. It went to the point of many of us became so ashamed to say sorry to our friend. Some people feel shamed by apologizing while others feel ashamed until we have done so.

One sure way of strengthening a relationship is knowing how to say sorry. This helps to restore trust, peace, love, and understanding which may result in a firm and strong relationship. Many people have sent their blessed relationship into a dungeon of forgotten due to their inability to say sorry. Get rid of pride that makes you feel so low to the person you are saying sorry to. Avoid claiming your right, this is another reason why people fail to say sorry. They think they are right and are not ready to bend.

A word they say is enough to the wise, I don’t want to bother you with a lengthy post, therefore, I shall like to drop my pen here and look forward to your contribution in the comments section.

Thanks for reading, do well to follow me for more updates. I love you to the moon and back to Nigeria

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Saying sorry doesn't take anything away from people but one of the things that makes it hard to see it is pride. Those in any conflict knows that saying sorry can solve there's issue but in some cases the man will be waiting for the woman to make the first move while the woman will be waiting for theman to make the first move.

That's the beginning of shambles.

Thanks @brothertech for sounding this reminder. Well Done.